Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adj] [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Through the centuries politicians , protestors and agitators of every sort found them invaluable for smiting the public eye ; and , in their most debased form , they were used by such printers as James Catnach ( 1792–1841 ) of the Seven Dials , London , to convey to sensation seekers scaffold speeches by murderers and other criminals , often before the rogues had uttered a word or given any sign that they intended to .
2 So the Resistance-trained amateurs were gradually shunted to filing jobs or forgotten overseas stations where they needed do nothing but show an invisible flag and curl a lip at the way the CIA did the real work .
3 And it is feared Durham County Council may have to find more cash to subsidise bus services as operators could either put up fares or scrap unpopular routes because they can not afford to replace worn out vehicles .
4 Several players were either quite outstanding or showed genuine promise that they are the stars of the future .
5 In the heat of the moment , the grey-coated wolf will wrestle with its quarry and Fido will violently shake rags until they lie motionless or chew squeaky toys until they squeak no more .
6 The new rules place a statutory duty on anyone who wants to alter the genetic structure of living creatures in the laboratory — or to use such organisms after they have been genetically engineered — to notify the executive well in advance so that it can assess independently the safety of the proposed activity .
7 The novelist , William Hale White , felt that some of the men he had known before being expelled from a Congregational theological college ‘ would have had more genuine lives if they had stood behind counters or learned some craft than they ever had in the ministry ’ .
8 All sunscreens work because they contain ingredients which either absorb or reflect UV rays before they harm and damage the skin .
9 Now if you have a rolling programme and you wan na say we refurbish four at a time , roughly I would say fifty beds in these two hundred , give or take some money because they vary .
10 In each case the team 's community psychiatric nurse or social worker was designated as key worker and would continue to monitor every patient , as well as to obtain or increase other services when they thought necessary .
11 I have seen it — Not long ago , in Moscow on quite another mission , I tiptoed up the great empty staircase and , with a diplomatic passport in my pocket , stood in the eternal dusk that shrouds old ballrooms when they are asleep — With its plump brown pillars and gilded mirrors , it was better suited to the last hours of a sinking liner than the launch of a great initiative .
12 Some Old Testament books describe events that occurred many years before they were written .
13 Them that caused this war and them that 's getting fat on it should be made to fight it out between them , not our fellers . ’
14 There are a number of theories that discuss this relationship and they are generally known as ‘ style theories of leadership ’ where the focus is upon the style that a leader adopts in dealing with others .
15 Soviet leaders have made no direct comment about events in Eastern Europe — except to welcome reformist changes when they happen .
16 In its place , Carr proposed an approach that saw international relations as they were , rather than as they might be .
17 Like Irving Berlin , Fain became part of that group of early 20th-century American songwriters with a talent for producing simple melodies that remained popular decades after they were first heard .
18 As well as making quick botch jobs of things that need careful repair if they are not to fall apart again next week , teachers , when they confront the impossibility of doing everything they ought to do head on , are faced with making some very tough priority decisions .
19 I 've left out and altered some things because they were n't right for a court report .
20 He says the plan will be to open up a number of railway lines and connect local communities and they 'll make good family cycling ; not the steep gradients mountain bikers like , but nice gradients related to the old gradients of the railway lines .
21 So many people visit the countryside and pick wild flowers because they find them pretty , only to have those flowers wilt and die long before they can be arranged in a vase .
22 If it is clear enough that capitalist development brings social planning of the economy closer to the realms of possibility than , say , peasant and artisanal production it should also be clear that socialists must pose and answer these questions if they are to intervene effectively in politics .
23 but er , as I say they 've grown now and got these jobs and they 're quite happy .
24 The organization fostered and developed such myths because they were then freed from having to take on board the understandings and implications of carrying out the work .
25 The movement continued to grow and develop and to absorb new media as they came on to the market .
26 that they want to use and operate and to reap any benefits that they require .
27 Milliners ' assistants did take feathers and fancy buttons from their workrooms and told amazing tales when they were apprehended wearing them in their Sunday hats .
28 Norah attended ballet classes and studied Ukrainian dancing and they both attended a special school for Ukrainian children on Saturday mornings .
29 ‘ Lifeguards should be observant and stop risky situations before they start , ’ he explained .
30 In the future , harsh economic necessity will dictate that businesses will have to consider employing and promoting more women if they are to survive .
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