Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [prep] its [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had the sort of belly that has produced perhaps three or four children and never managed to forget its importance or let go of its previous function or recover from its distension .
2 The continental ice sheet that lies three kilometres thick at Dome C in East Antarctica ( Figure 3 ) creeps slowly coastward in all directions , carrying meteorites that have fallen on its vast , 13-million-square-kilometre surface and been frozen-in for thousands , or possibly millions , of years .
3 Members of the not-for-profit support organisation , other hardware developers and independent software vendors that have passed through its binary testing and certification schemes are nevertheless full of praise for the work 88open has done .
4 Members of the not-for-profit support organisation , other hardware developers and independent software vendors that have passed through its binary testing and certification schemes are nevertheless full of praise for the work 88open has done .
5 There should be no doubt that , for all foreseeable business purposes , candidates can perceive and convey meaning in its written English forms , both quickly and accurately .
6 This perspective was recognizable in the Poor Law era and has reappeared in its modern form in contemporary welfare ( Pinker , 1982 ; Dale et al . ,
7 The group has dominant market share down-under , taking about a third of Australia 's life insurance business , and needs to look beyond its local market for opportunities .
8 Labour believes it can still secure a clear breakthrough over the next three days and plans to concentrate on its key themes : support for the public services , particularly the NHS , and measures to pull the economy out of recession .
9 Calum Macdonald , the Labour MP for the Western Isles — which lost £24 million as a result of the BCCI affair — said the committee had stated in the clearest and strongest terms that the Bank of England was negligent and had failed in its supervisory duties .
10 Good carpet wool needs to combine softness with strength and springiness , otherwise the rug wears out quickly and fails to return to its original shape if creased or depressed .
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