Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [prep] this [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It comes down to what the council can sell or sacrifice to deal with this big backlog .
2 ‘ Conveniently ’ would be a better word , and would refer , correctly , to the ugly cowardice that has led to this bloody mess .
3 Central Council is most grateful for the generous support that has led to this successful outcome .
4 But yesterday , in a reaction as unpredictable as everything that has happened during this tumultuous week , the Soviet Union welcomed its collapse .
5 As a committed Labour Party member I can not condone nor understand why , with the country suffering from Tory fatigue , the Labour Party does not thrust home its policies rather than become embroiled in this negative smear and counter-smear campaign .
6 He wanted to cover himself with glory , and what better way than getting accepted by this new elite .
7 As Duck had not solicited these changes , nor had struggled into this new society unaided , it was gratifying and philanthropic to assist him …
8 According to G.B.S. the last thing of importance that had happened in this agricultural community was , perhaps , the Flood .
9 Melts that had frozen within this subconscious lithosphere would enrich it in the same elements that are enriched in the crust , so it has not been possible to distinguish between these theories .
10 It was quite specifically about microbiology , and as such is one among an unusual number of plays , novels and films that have revolved around this particular science .
11 Education liaison officer Lindsey Walton said : ‘ We were approached and asked to participate in this prestigious scheme and are very pleased to be associated with the schools . ’
12 At the present time , and for some months ( if not years ) to come , a subterranean roadway is being constructed under the harbour , and the diggings , scaffoldings and shoring incurred by this vast undertaking are a pictorial eyesore .
13 At the present time , and for some months ( if not years ) to come , a subterranean roadway is being constructed under the harbour , and the diggings , scaffolding and shoring incurred by this vast undertaking are a pictorial eyesore .
14 The children at the village school eyed the blank windows speculatively , and the bigger boys fingered the catapults hidden in their pockets , longing to pick up pebbles and let fly at this beautiful sitting target .
15 Builders were treated as craftsmen and learnt to work alongside this new generation of client , who treated them as a fount of all wisdom .
16 Yes , and get rid of this other bottle .
17 We further agreed that we would make no promises and twist no arms , and having decided on this general strategy , my friends urged me to leave the campaign to them .
18 If allowed to continue with this little plot next year , I 'll try something really zany in the formal bed .
19 It was a pathetic spectacle and to be honest I must confess to being more than a little annoyed at being trapped in a railway carriage and forced to listen to this poor soul lurching nearer to a grave in the gutter .
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