Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the old tradition of pilgrimage , peregrinatio , spawned or became united to the new kind of military adventure we call the crusade ; and the resources of the roads and waterways of Europe and the Near East were strained to the uttermost to meet the insatiable demands of these adventurous travellers .
2 Few ever recovered their status in society , he said , or got rid of the bad habits they contracted while there .
3 The democratic aspiration in its classical form is doomed — an outcome which is viewed with either glee or regret according to the political orientation of the theorists concerned .
4 Television is a very evangelical medium and I do not think the Church of England can afford to or wants to compete with the evangelical churches .
5 Unfortunately , few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long .
6 For example , the recent articles on minor surgery in general practice could be circulated to those on or applying to go on the minor surgery list .
7 Our eyes seek out the inhabitants fleeing distracted , or returning to look for the dead .
8 On the other hand , the required energy coupling capacitors cause problems and can be expensive at higher current levels , and there does not seem to be any proof that there is a volume , weight , or cost saving over the standard Buck topology for any given equivalent performance level .
9 Ms Brown recognises the potential dilemma which the shift to community services would create for nurses already working in or waiting to go into the acute sector .
10 ( b ) There is no fact or matter concerning the proposed business or affairs of the Company nor any fact or matter relating to the financial forecasts which is or may be material for disclosure to any intending subscriber for shares in the Company which has not been disclosed to the Investors and any such fact or matter arising prior to Completion of this agreement will forthwith be disclosed to the Investors .
11 The liberal ideas of this group , and the fact that several of its members were known or alleged to belong to the secretive Catholic brotherhood , Opus Dei , made them anathema to the " old shirt " Falangists and the Catholic integrists .
12 Or getting rid of the old one .
13 However , as we said earlier , this stock may expand or contract depending upon the net flow of newly issued bills .
14 Another property of curved spaces is that two nearby and initially parallel geodesics do not continue parallel indefinitely , but converge or diverge depending on the local curvature .
15 It is extremely important that you press more pieces from the bouquet than you think you will need , as some of the plant material may turn brown in the press or emerge pressed into the wrong shape .
16 or stay put in the icy brine .
17 Similarly , the title of mayor or lord mayor where retained adds to the social status but not to the legal position of the person holding the chair of the council .
18 They will argue that such job creation as may have taken place is temporary and artificial , that the cost of achieving even this was too high and that it would have been cheaper and industrially more advantageous if people from development areas had been forced or encouraged to move to the prosperous areas .
19 There is no obvious mountain pass or trail leading to the immediate area of the Castle , since Felsbrockenberg has been deserted for some 80 years .
20 For short curtains , use braids to edge the sides or sew fringing along the inside edges of full-length curtains to add a touch of grandeur .
21 A good churchman , he is a Church Warden — but of a church that ceased to exist in the late 18th century .
22 On 2nd June 1914 , The Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife , were assassinated by a Bosnian Serb and that triggered a series of events that led to the outbreak of war on 4th , August 1914 — the war that became known as The Great War .
23 ‘ It makes me sound like a parcel that got sent to the wrong address . ’
24 The development of the in-can system that has led to the successful introduction of Canned Draught Guinness and Guinness Draught Bitter is a fine example of how the application of technology and innovation can produce outstanding results .
25 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
26 I have enjoyed reading all your letters and look forward to continuing the two-way communication that has developed over the past year .
27 Fundamentally , roses are as much shrubs as any others in the garden and , like them , divide broadly into two categories as far as pruning is concerned ; those that flower in spring and summer on wood developed during the previous growth period ( i.e. last year ) , and those that flower , necessarily a little later , from mid summer on , upon wood that has developed during the current season .
28 As such , they represent a strong vein of soul that has struggled in the recent ravealonga Manchester years .
29 One of the benefits that has emerged from the National Curriculum exercise has been to highlight the need for strategic planning of the history curriculum at all Key Stages , to ensure balance , coverage of a range of different periods and topics , and the adoption of a number of different approaches .
30 These include the relativistic dependence of time on velocity and the strange new features of time in black holes , as well as the ambiguity of direction of time that has emerged in the mathematical description of the interactions of elementary particles .
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