Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [be] [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , we realise that professional clinicians coming to the book might remain unconvinced about some of our chosen examples , as indeed might those readers who only feel comfortable with terms like ‘ schizophrenia ’ when they are used in a sense that has been given medical approval .
2 Of 720,000 sq ftof office space that has been completed this year , 350,000 sq ft has been let .
3 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
4 This photograph , of a doctor , was one that had been taken some time previously to illustrate an article on long hours worked by junior doctors .
5 But there are groups within the University that have been given specific responsibility for certain elements , and the largest of these is the Education Area .
6 Measures have been announced to increase the benefit to the public from works of art and other objects that have been granted conditional exemption from inheritance tax ( p 100 ) .
7 Measures have been announced to increase the benefit to the public from works of art and other objects that have been granted conditional exemption from inheritance tax .
8 Given the horrendous job losses that have been announced this month in the manufacturing sector , are these signs of the success of the Government 's economic policy ?
9 Most at risk are shrubs that have been planted this year , and are not yet fully established .
10 It would be absolutely disastrous if after the excellent work that 's been done this year we were not able to maintain that .
11 Thank you , yes , I think in a course of er , er explanation that 's been given this morning , there was a reference to H G V eight diversion , now I 'm concerned that if in fact that means that er H G Vs are increasingly using the route through Culford there are two very severe right angle bends on that road and I should erm like to see the police take some action to persuade H G V to ban that route er I mean can we do a ban on the early section of it with in particular to like angle bends are ?
12 The amount of press coverage that 's been generated this week by your conference has been enormously important to the local trade unions , it 's something that we can build on , it 's something that says to the local press to the local media trade unions have got something to say trade unions have got something to put forward and it 's that 's something that we will come back to erm afterwards , after you 've gone , we can use that , we can build on it .
13 Further , the word ‘ communion ’ , a term again involving a verbal identification of Church and Eucharist , was so much used by the Council that it has subsequently been seen to express the Council 's ecclesiology most profoundly and has been made great use of in such documents as those of ARCIC .
14 In anticipation of the move , Mr Whitbread has already handed effective control of the company to his chief executive Peter Jarvis and has been made non-executive chairman .
15 ‘ Linking ’ and ‘ intrusive ’ are special cases of juncture ; this name refers to the relationship between one sound and the sounds that immediately precede and follow it , and has been given some importance in phonological theory .
16 The scheme , launched by Michael Howard in May , has so far attracted a large number of national and other contractors , and has been given widespread support from both Government and consumer associations .
17 The Womens Artist Slide Library is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in retaining its Arts Council funding for the publication of Women 's Art Magazine and has been offered financial assistance towards the running of the organisation over the next year .
18 Ken Stewart , MEP for Merseyside East , has met EC commissioners and has been told that German and French objections to Merseyside gaining a large slice of the European structural fund are no longer a problem .
19 He looks promising and has been used this season as a replacment for Wallace .
20 This aircraft , V7101 , had been stripped of all possible equipment and guns , and had been painted blue overall .
21 Gotti had been prosecuted on three previous occasions — while the current trial was in progress the foreman of the jury in the 1987 trial was indicted for conspiring with Gotti to return a not guilty verdict in exchange for $60,000 — and had been acquitted each time .
22 We also felt that Zephyr had been under pressure due to her immense popularity and had been given little opportunity to show off the gentle side of her nature — in the same way the more extrovert patients had dominated the evening while those of shy and retiring nature had slightly missed out .
23 The bill had been introduced on May 30 , 1991 , and had been given final House of Commons approval on Nov. 7 .
24 Most patients ( n=123 ) were operated on for presumed ulcerative colitis but 10 ( 8% ) are now known to have Crohn 's disease and a further 10 ( 8% ) have certain features of Crohn 's disease and have been labelled indeterminate colitis .
25 This was fortunate for the Hearts forward Ian Ferguson who was as surprised as anyone to remain on the field after flooring Gus Caesar with as good a right hook as has been seen this side of Madison Square Gardens for many a long day .
26 With eleven women plus the Spare Rib Collective we were not able to cover all of these topics , but as has been mentioned this discussion is to launch a series which hopefully will discuss all of these issues and more .
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