Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [conj] [pron] do not " in BNC.

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1 The third : the targets are met or exceeded but one does not see the results in the shops .
2 ( 2 ) The buyer may attempt to induce shareholders to accept the tender offer ( and not " wait and see " ) by expressly stating or implying that he does not intend to make a full bid .
3 It can be snorted'' or injected but it does not vaporise easily and is not suitable for inhaling or smoking .
4 " There is no mention of sanctions against companies , or fines if they do not fulfil the objectives , or of incentives … for them to make adjustments " he said .
5 On returning to the box and resuming his duties , he was more puzzled than frightened for he did not believe in ghosts .
6 Only today I received a document from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals that shows that it does not understand .
7 The five leading members of the party at the centre of the controversy , Pearnel Charles , Errol Anderson , Karl Samuda , Edmund Bartlett and Douglas Vaz , although stating that they did not want to unseat Seaga , refused to give a public statement of unconditional loyalty to him .
8 When I talk about implementation of the Maastricht treaty I mean that one of the things that must be done is to set up the arrangements agreed at Maastricht by which member states can be taken to the European Court and punished if they do not carry out obligations that they have assumed .
9 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
10 It would , she felt , atone for the things she had said and mean that she did not have to talk to Julia about them .
11 He had seen its lines in the spectrum , and realized that they did not correspond to any known substance .
12 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
13 This is a great pity ; the battle between these two paradigms , that of Galton and that of Binet , is a very real one , and to pretend that it does not exist , and that there is no evidence against the paradigm adopted here , is disingenuous .
14 Some try to explain the miracles away and say that they did not happen .
15 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
16 Mrs talked about four , we 've actually agreed that there should be more homes on the list than four er for prospective refurbishment and Mr has stood up and protested that he did not produce the figures , but Professor still says you will produce figures for this and you will produce figures for that , none of us do that we all get our figures from the same place but we all get inconsistent figures .
17 The expenditure required is borne by the local authorities and occurs because they do not have sufficient suitable housing in a state of good repair .
18 The right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) says that it will be at £36,000 , but the right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) will not tell us and says that he does not think that it is necessary to say so .
19 the foresters attach to come before them men who work in their own ground , making ‘ hoes ’ to sow corn , although the King had no demesne there : and they say that they have made waste and purpresture if they do not their will for having peace ; from each man holding land they will have the skin of a lamb or a farthing , and they say that is their fee .
20 Walesa described Tyminski 's success as " an accident of Polish democracy " and claimed that he did not know enough about Poland to govern the country .
21 Through the long slow hours of darkness he saw her lovely face and forgot that she did not love him .
22 The European Court overrode Italian civil law and stated that it did not consider these posts to be in the public service .
23 Although we must respond to the offence , we must avoid the ’ Something must be done ’ syndrome and ensure that we do not lash out wildly in some public relations exercise .
24 The list will thus serve to jog your memory and ensure that you do not overlook significant items .
25 Up to the age of 13 , he was privately educated by his mother by means of signing and fingerspelling as she did not agree with the oralist method used by the Liverpool School for the Deaf .
26 I give the hon. Gentleman the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did not hear what I said , not once but twice , perhaps because of the noise coming from his hon. Friend the Member for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) , seated beside him , who referred to 236 admissions .
27 I was so bruised and exhausted that I did not feel strong enough to walk home , and although I did not want to , I had to spend the night at Wuthering Heights .
28 In other European countries we have worked through agents and believe that it does not make sense for us to continue to try to service all those countries when LDP has a substantial full-time sales force already in place .
29 And Gaily took her quick reply for unwillingness , too , and decided that they did not know one another well enough yet to ask such questions , such casual , family questions , as between friends .
30 The doctors diagnosed that he had probably had a left-sided embolic stroke , and decided that he did not need surgery , so he was treated on the medical ward , where he remained for about seven months .
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