Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sport offers spontaneity which , combined with ever more sophisticated technology , allows a viewer to watch a game from many different angles , moving in for a close-up on the agonized or exultant face of the athlete , or panning back for a shot of the pitch , track , or the seashore during an Open golf championship .
2 In that state they became ‘ sylvan demons ’ , ‘ either falling into a deep slumber or looking around for a fight . ’
3 Nobody visited them in the evenings or dropped in for a chat during the day , except in the way of business — to sell wood to Uncle Philip or to arrange a booking for Francie and his fiddle .
4 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
5 To put it another way : when the cat is on heat ( which she has n't been since the vet gave her the unkindest cut of all ) , nevertheless when she was , she had very little time for chasing moths hanging unsubtly round the fridge or cuddling up for a neck scratch .
6 Besides these major product innovations , the eurobond market has seen a plethora of subsidiary innovations , many of which have been one off or flourished only for a time .
7 For example , you could jog or walk briskly for a mile or two for one exercise session ; use an exercise tape for another session ; and participate in something different like weight-training , or cycling , or a ball or racket game , for a third session in the week .
8 At these heights , the first turn or so generally dictates whether you go up and get a climb , or go down for a landing .
9 Whenever I see coloured people in Porteneil , buying souvenirs or stopping off for a snack , I hope that they will ask me something so that I can show how polite I am and prove that my reasoning is stronger than my more crass instincts , or training .
10 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck .
11 She instructed Lucien to be careful with his leg , and to exercise the rest of his body only while lying or sitting down for a while .
12 Service changed hands eight times and there were four lets in between until Soutter broke the deadlock with a tight drop that created an opening and a lovely cross-court forehand slice that zipped away for a winner .
13 Motoring costs went down by 1.3 per cent , thanks to a further fall in the average cost of second-hand cars and an average drop of 7p a gallon in petrol prices which , together , more than made up for a rise in car insurance premiums .
14 A minority government formed by Labour or the Conservatives would , he maintained , create instability and uncertainty rather than work constructively for a partnership government which would last for a parliament .
15 But ballroom dancing is an activity that screams out for a band .
16 His letter contained an account of all the birds he had seen : a common goatsucker that flew gracefully round and round the ship for an hour , although it had ‘ in all probability passed the night on the wing ’ ; a female yellow wagtail that alighted only for a moment ; numerous petrels , five of which he killed for himself , and one for use in Mr Yarrell 's work ( a History of British Birds ) ; a flight of swallows , and several small turtle doves , which ‘ visited the ship [ and ] went off again immediately ’ ; a kestrel which was killed ‘ from off the Rigging ’ ; a short-eared owl which flew on board during the night , was caught and kept alive for several days ; and hundreds of shearwaters , which surrounded the ship off Madeira and the Salvage Rocks .
17 This wistful elegy to the post-Bomb small-town America , The Last Picture Show was probably the first film that pined nostalgically for a generation 's lost innocence , soundtracking Hank Williams ' lonesome holler to great effect .
18 Now that went on for a month .
19 A beat that sets out for a destination may have to renavigate on the way or may even have to change destination .
20 Erm , that carried on for a while , I thought I was doing very very well , being able to do a job like that .
21 This time it 's Murray Mouse : Supercop that comes up for a lump of cheese and a quick spin on the squeaky exercise wheel that keeps the whole house awake at night .
22 He found it and clung there for a while , then pushed clear and knelt among the waves , head lowered .
23 ‘ I thought I 'd come and stay here for a bit .
24 My parents are going to France at Christmas and erm I do n't wan na go with them really and nor does Digby so he , Digby 's gon na come and stay just for a bit and my house it has to be empty and Foxy 's coming round to stay .
25 " Come and sit here for a bit .
26 ‘ Come and sit down for a minute while the lasagne finishes cooking . ’
27 The Parks tournament at Calderstones Park , which starts on July 19 and goes on for a week , will have the added bonus of the Dunlop tennis roadshow , with Castle and other leading coaches topping the bill .
28 Chris , tall , lithe and manly , strips off and goes in for a swim in his panda-briefs .
29 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
30 She abandoned the half-formed thought as he went on , ‘ I was educated in England , and lived there for a number of years .
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