Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because BT was not restructured or broken down into more manageable units which might compete with one another ( the US solution to their phone giant AT & t ) , competition between giant BT and tiny Mercury is unlikely to constrain BT much .
2 They fled to Dublin or England or came out in very small numbers and lived in closeted fearfulness of exposure , job loss and increasing isolation .
3 ‘ Practically the only good thing which can be said about the patronage system , ’ said the Archdeacon , ‘ is that it prevents dioceses selling off or pulling down at least some few of their beautiful buildings . ’
4 And be prepared to change your job or to branch out into more unusual and stimulating areas .
5 The clothes that the children wear or dress up in often prompt comment .
6 In a way they 're the best pop group for years because — bereft of youthful , lithe hormone appeal or sculptured cheekbones — they stand or fall totally on how good a pop group they are .
7 Washing and dressing and also feeding were classified as requiring no supervision , supervision only , or help on at least one occasion .
8 It is more difficult to understand the senseless vandalism that goes on in comparatively affluent areas .
9 It was coined in 1969 by the American scientist John Wheeler as a graphic description of an idea that goes back at least two hundred years , to a time when there were two theories about light : one , which Newton favored , was that it was composed of particles ; the other was that it was made of waves .
10 Rather than emulate the original , Kaiser and his cronies turn David 's innocent little rebellious rocker into a full blown free-form jazz improvisation piece that chugs along for over 12 minutes .
11 I am certain that with no additional resource , we can do more for our researchers than provide then with yet another data archive where they can deposit the materials which they developed with inadequate support and for which they got too little recognition .
12 The old man 's name was Brenner and he chose a Dunkel and a Korn — a very dark beer plus a chaser of the local heart-stopper that tasted somewhere between very young whisky and vodka .
13 She opened her mouth and was ready with her invitation that they dine at her hotel , but as the thought that winged in from nowhere that Ven was probably hitting the high spots in Prague that night — and with some lovely Czech lady in tow , she would n't wonder — Fabia , with not the least idea of what a koliba was , promptly did a switch .
14 Good heavens , Wilson , I have nothing to write now , only lines here and there that add up to precious little .
15 Although dragged out at over two hours , this is certainly watchable on a trash level , although it 's essentially an adequately-acted dumb-ass melodrama dressed up with enormous operatic tat .
16 It is probably better to start off with too many regulators which can then merge , rather than starting off with too few and attempting to build on them .
17 Then what you might say is well what ar y'know erm you might say well s one define aggression , two define one theory , define the other and then y'know just structure it so you 're talking about single or sentences maybe on on a line that go down to very little but enough to show how you would go about answering the question .
18 The wind is also likely to be important in carrying off much of the angular momentum of the gas that falls in from more distant regions of the Galaxy .
19 The pod contains a television camera that operates even in very bad light .
20 This was the beginning of a protest that lasted continually for over five months .
21 So that works out to around ten thousand pounds a year .
22 We then were both blindfolded and placed apart at about fifty yards .
23 Ring up a dealer and sell off at least two-thirds of your filing cabinets .
24 In those days , scarlet fever victims had to go to the Isolation Hospital just outside the town , and remain there for about six weeks , until all the affected skin had peeled off .
25 There was nothing dramatic to mark its going — just a stream of air bubbles that became gradually smaller and ceased altogether after about twenty seconds .
26 Bring to the boil , then lower the heat and simmer gently for about hours .
27 Thirty years ago this week a gang of audacious , daring robbers held up the London to Glasgow mail train and made off with over two and a half million pounds .
28 Dunedin House was built by the surgeon J. S. Land in the mid 19th century , and lived in for over 50 years this century by the late Dr Cripps , Medical Officer of Health for the Holderness area .
29 Goshawk Squadron landed at Fricourt in light drizzle with blinding hangovers , and got away with only two accidents , thanks to the grace of God and an unusually long field .
30 However do not let note taking become obsessional , it can tend to interrupt the flow of conversation if carried out in too much detail .
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