Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] way into the " in BNC.

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1 Hurling my body through the air in the jumps did n't seem too appealing , nor did attempting to sprint , run or hurdle my way into the record books : but how about throwing something ?
2 The principal movements that found their way into the full orchestral suite have ben heard too often to allow much deviation in interpretation , but in the other , rarer music , Pons is far freer with his tempi than Izquierdo , possibly because there is no narration overlaying the music .
3 He seems to have at least gained some contact with his thought-penetration circuits and this is confirmed by the smelly fumes of wood smoke and melting plastic that wriggle their way into the atmosphere of the carriage .
4 The sunlight that inched its way into the stale gloom shed a tactless illumination on the threadbare carpets , the worn seats , the peeling gilt decor .
5 It was his gloriously struck header that arrowed its way into the top corner of Leeds ' net to settle that 4th round tie .
6 So St Wilfrid the bishop and his clergy on bended knees lifted their hands again to heaven and gained the help of the Lord … who straightway bade the tide return before its usual hour , and while the pagans , on the coming of their king were preparing for a fourth battle , the sea came back and covered all the shore , so that the ship was floated and made its way into the deep .
7 She moved up the stairs past the few skins that lay on a table and made her way into the office .
8 The woman shrugged and made her way into the house .
9 With a regretful sigh she closed the window again and made her way into the luxurious en suite bathroom and stripped off the shirt before turning on the shower .
10 Bregawn swept over the third fence from home and made his way into the straight , Pursued by Captain John ( who had lost ground when blundering at the third last ) , Wayward Lad and Silver Buck .
11 Her father handed his topcoat to Letty and made his way into the drawing-room .
12 I left my cases parked on the quay , and made my way into the post office .
13 Had the poachers been chased and found their way into the house ?
14 Some of its recommendations were accepted and found their way into the Legal Aid Act 1988 .
15 The most famous tin-glazed pottery of Spain was lustre pottery ; it was also exported and found its way into the wealthy households of medieval Europe .
16 Rex put on his sunglasses and elbowed his way into the crowd to gawp along with the rest .
17 The minute young are born in a relatively premature state and wriggle their way into the pouch of the mother where they fasten on to a teat for some weeks to complete their development .
18 They ransacked the offices of the two main opposition parties and smashed their way into the offices of the leading opposition newspaper , Romania Libera , demanding that it be closed .
19 The poison , which is a naturally occurring by-product , is found mainly in the liver , intestine and reproductive system and finds its way into the eggs .
20 Is the policy still to sit it out and wait rather than try and force your way into the prison ?
21 But surely the blues will inevitably influence your own style and find its way into the band quite naturally …
22 For two days , police in the remote coastal region around Sodwana Bay had stumbled and fumbled their way into the case .
23 She waited expectantly , willing both men to return and go their way into the night .
24 As a thought struck him he dropped on to his hunkers again and whispered quickly , ‘ They could come in by the far gate and force their way into the back of the crees : they 're only planked . ’
25 It would take her ages to manoeuvre back and forth and force her way into the relentless stream of traffic .
26 You work and scrape your way into the big time , you achieve most of the things you want — houses , cars , gorgeous wife , foreign travel , all the things you dreamed of when you were a grubby kid — and then , when you settle back to enjoy them , it all goes wrong . ’
27 ‘ OK , OK ! ’ she mumbled breathlessly before quickly picking up her suitcase and making her way into the large bedroom .
28 Nick slipped off his clothes and edged his way into the water .
29 The Young Conservatives had turned their backs on the enemy , broken through the police cordon and forced their way into the hotel .
30 Silently they watched the passengers leave , and only when the last ones had laughed and chatted their way into the hotel did Claudia manage to relax .
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