Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Or have I fallen into the trap of seeing a dozen cases of doubt and declaring a universal epidemic ?
2 I did n't know her at all , other than to see her go into the house and out of the house .
3 They moved on , down the cathedral-like space , soaring columns that dwarfed them disappearing into the swirling mist .
4 He looked at her now , sitting there like a bird with a broken wing , and was torn between wanting to give her a hug and a kiss , as he would with Anna when she 'd fallen and hurt her knee , and a rather more powerful instinct for self-preservation that urged him to climb into the airing cupboard and pull the door shut after him .
5 Rincewind looked around nervously for a tall figure in black ( wizards , even failed wizards , have in addition to rods and cones in their eyeballs the tiny octagons that enable them to see into the far octarine , the basic colour of which all other colours are merely pale shadows impinging on normal four-dimensional space .
6 She heard rather than saw him dive into the water and a moment later he surfaced beside her .
7 In many cases they seem to be neither , in that they do not have a direct or specific relationship with the labour market ; nor do they fit into the conventional , specialized academic categories .
8 So it 's all part of the same sentence that makes it come into the head at that point .
9 He had no answer , but in the meantime the manager appeared and asked me to come into the office .
10 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
11 At Newport Morrissey fell victim to innocent crowd over-enthusiasm and found himself dragged into the mob .
12 A nurse taking him for a more experienced dresser had given him a gown and told him to go into the Burns Room .
13 The verses seem to be saying that the disciples understand because they have been given the secrets of the mystery of the kingdom but everybody else is taught in parables so that it will confuse them and prevent them coming into the kingdom .
14 He unfastened them without haste , still smiling , tossed sword and sheath out from him through the trefoil opening , and let them fall into the presbytery .
15 She made to push blindly past him , and to her vague surprise he stood back slowly , and let her pass into the hall , his eyes shuttered , his mouth grim .
16 Stella dropped the torch and let it roll into the wings as the children brought their palms together to save Tinkerbell .
17 How can you reach an acceptable level of data security and stop yourself falling into the ‘ it could n't happen to me ’ trap ?
18 They 'll filter out most of the pollen , and stop it getting into the lungs — very important for asthmatics .
19 They got the harness off him , and turned him to bleed into the grass rather than into his own throat .
20 Peter Purton , an executive member of the lesbian and gay rights campaign , said now the idea of a common age of consent had been supported for a fourth time , he hope that the leadership would finally accept the commitment and ensure it went into the manifesto .
21 Boldly he kicked loose stones off the ledges and heard them clatter into the silence below .
22 Iron Josh had certainly given them no trouble when they had driven into his yard at the back of Old George 's Street and ordered him to climb into the cart .
23 He then broke away as Lambert was also firing at this aircraft , and watched it crash into the sea .
24 Athelstan jumped as a fierce tom cat slunk out of the shadows , grasped the rat by its leg and pulled it squealing into the centre of the room .
25 Wasp liberal lawyer Kevin Kline takes a short-cut and finds himself plunged into the sort of yuppie nightmare that triggered Bonfire of the Vanities .
26 And it 's trying to pull the planets in , Lee , but other stars are pulling them and stopping them falling into the sun .
27 As he passed Liam , still asleep , he gave him a shove and sent him sprawling into the gravel .
28 He tried , and felt himself falling into the tree , confused , unable to find a stance that did not give way into clutching twigs and flailing branches .
29 If they went to the house and saw him move into the door , they 'd turn out the family , look everywhere and he was not to be found .
30 7 Introduce the patient to his neighbours and leave him to settle into the ward , but be available for discussion .
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