Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Quite clearly the reason that people have been asked to come along this evening and have come along this evening is to put there points of view about how the see the theatre in the future what is programme facilities are the things that are n't happening here they feel should be happening here that 's what it 's for not here to serve any purpose for individuals to get up and make personal cuts on people or say what happen on a Saturday morning or a Thursday afternoon cos I
2 If he 's never caught his breath at the sight of your crooked smile , or felt his heart lurch with love at the sound of your voice , or watched you walk across a room and wanted you and finally found out that you return his feelings , then he 's a poor man and I 'm the richest man in the world .
3 Or have you come across the one that
4 It was sheer , blind gut instinct that made her go to the porter 's lodge and lie .
5 Bravely , she shut her mind as firmly as she could against the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows cast by great trees or trod across soggy glades that made her think with a shudder of hidden bogs .
6 I did n't know her at all , other than to see her go into the house and out of the house .
7 An important rule when beating into a current flowing across the upwind leg is always to sail the tack that takes you uptide of the mark first .
8 The upper pole of the sphere is the centre of the inversion and the increasingly small stars that approach it correspond to the increasingly large stars lying at greater and greater distances on the plane .
9 Five years ago a medical general practitioner might have spent $8,000 a year on an insurance policy that gave him cover for a claim up to $1m .
10 MacGregor has the advantage of breadth of experience in Government , especially as Chief Secretary to the Treasury , a post that won him praise from the former Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , whatever that is worth these days .
11 While the Silures and their allies had fought a long and successful guerrilla-type campaign , they did not possess the strength or ability to stop a large Roman force from advancing into their territory , nor had they command of the sea .
12 If you intend to insert subtitles at a later editing stage ( rather than superimposing them live at the time of shooting ) , you will need to reserve space for these on the tape by shooting overlength material which can subsequently be erased and over-recorded by the insert .
13 But ministerial aides said it was better to get the increase out of the way this week , rather than have it happen during the conference .
14 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
15 Dr Neil registered how withdrawn she was , and once they were back home hot , sugary tea was poured down her in a constant stream , and then , despite the warmth of the day , Matey put a shawl around her shoulders and made her sit near the fire .
16 She took Alice to the sitting-room , and made her get inside the sleeping-bag .
17 The ensemble gave her a slinky , model-like elegance and made her feel like an actress playing a part … a nightclub scene , probably … instead of her normal self .
18 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
19 Your glasses and keys you put through a small slot .
20 Without open debate and education , the local community can not move to the clearer understanding of the nature of child sexual abuse that is necessary for professionals to receive the help and support they need from the public .
21 Financial management advice and services has continued to be provided by Napier University Ventures Limited and I would take this opportunity to thank Ed Angus and all his staff for the hard work and support they give to the Enterprise Centre .
22 ‘ This historic loco is just the attraction and boost we need in a recession , and I 'm confident it 'll be just as popular with the public in Devon as it proved to be on the Bodmin & Wenford Railway in Cornwall . ’
23 Sarah likes to build up a relationship with a woman before she has her baby , using acupuncture to relax her , to treat any pregnancy ailments and to help her recover after the birth .
24 I step on a few and watch them crack in the middle like a sheet of glass .
25 Breed are the kind of band who will begin to write a tormented love song and watch it develop into a bloody massacre .
26 If you have specific needs or desires , then throw a symbol into the chalice , and watch it multiply by the thousand , until it overflows the Chalice and floods out onto the floor of the cavern .
27 QRAM can exploit these capabilities and give you access to the unused RAM that sits between 640Kb and 1,024Kb .
28 Erm , try and get it stop near the .
29 That 's why sports cars went through such doldrums for so many years too , and shy we think of the sudden plethora of ‘ traditional ’ small sports cars as a sports car ‘ revival ’ .
30 The convenience of major shopping developments and the wide range of goods and produce they provide in a concentrated location , must be judged in future against wider environmental and social criteria .
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