Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] move [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ultimately Childebert and Guntram patched up their quarrel , and Chilperic moved on to the defensive , only to be murdered at Chelles in 584 .
2 Setting men to guard both , Douglas and Ramsay moved on into the outer bailey , hardly able to believe their good fortune thus far .
3 Efficiency will also improve as prices and costs move down under the pressure exerted by more competitive markets .
4 It was no coincidence that Hibs were at their most dangerous after Evans had replaced Lennon and Weir moved out to the right wing .
5 Kāli and Jit moved out of the way of the back staircase and the sheep flooded down past them .
6 There followed several weeks of feverish preparations as equipment and systems were installed and staff moved in to the facility .
7 Impatience is justified if theory moves off into the stratosphere , so to speak .
8 This August Rivermead staff and patients moved out of the old Victorian wards into new facilities .
9 The Sierra Leone government promised the AfDB there would be strict environmental protection measures , but despite such assurances , loggers , farmers and charcoal-burners moved in along the new road , eating into the rainforest .
10 After Allitt moved out of the Jobsons ' home , his dizzy spells , craving for chocolate and sudden collapses had stopped .
11 It all started when Sharon moved in to the flat next door to Tony and asked to borrow some coffee .
12 To Erika 's intense annoyance , Fritz promptly accepted the invitation — obeyed the command , rather — and as Rosa moved on to the floor with another boy , she was left feeling abandoned — and foolish .
13 More opportunities for individual and small group Work in the infant schools would make it more likely that children will achieve fluency in reading early enough to prevent the rejection of learning which so often accompa-nies failure as children move on into the older primary classes .
14 A strong base of parental involvement is unlikely to be shed even though membership of the group of active parents constantly changes as children move on to the next stage of education .
15 Inevitably , er that has not been entirely acceded to , and indeed to some extent er I can hardly be surprised as events move on during the course of the enquiry .
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