Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What the teacher is trying to do is to guide each pupil into developing a set of mental models which have been found by experience or experiment to be useful in understanding technical processes .
2 After the Second World War the coverage of the needs of the disabled became fairly comprehensive in scope , although there was no attempt to set up a single department or authority to be responsible for their needs .
3 Women were more likely than men to be dependent on poor relief .
4 The course is designed to help individuals and groups to be aware of the influence of mass media on their societies , and to learn how effective communication can bring about positive changes in their daily lives .
5 Holden Caulfield , narrator of ‘ The Catcher in the Rye ’ , and Lucy Snowe , narrator of ‘ Villette ’ , both criticise their societies and acquaintances , and struggle to be true to their own principles despite pressure to conform ,
6 When you have reached the prime of life and acquired a home and possessions to be proud of , you want to be sure that you have reliable insurance — but at a price that you feel recognises and rewards the care that you take .
7 A common desire and willingness to be subordinate to it is the essential pre-condition of a parliamentary state .
8 In such cases the draftsman should provide for the costs of periodic maintenance and inspection to be recoverable from the tenants , for they may not always fall within a provision to pay the cost of repairs .
9 Travellers would offer them bread and milk to be sure of a safe journey .
10 Bradford Northern .. 8 New Zealand ....... 26 BRADFORD NORTHERN have been making an effort this season , and reasons to be cheerful at Odsal have included cheerleaders , improved results , increased gates , two men in the Great Britain rugby league squad , an Australian at half-back and a Welshman on the wing .
11 Sceptical about over-simple uses of the word ‘ evolution ’ , Eliot wishes reader and writer to be aware of the detailed work of philologists and anthropologists in relation to literature .
12 But otherwise the main principles of planning law , laid down in 1909 , were maintained : future development should accord with an approved town planning scheme ; compensation to be payable to landowners injuriously affected ; and betterment to be payable to a local authority when an increase in land values accrues as a result of planning proposals .
13 The TTF undertook to encourage both members and non-members to be aware of where supplies came from , to ensure that timber was bought from suppliers that were committed to " sustainable " resources wherever possible , and to work for the implementation of forest management schemes .
14 For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience because of his adultery with Bathsheba and other crimes which followed and his anguish and desire to be right with God are recorded in Psalm 51 ‘ Have mercy upon me , O God … blot out my transgressions . ’ ( v. 1 ) ‘ Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin . ’
15 I have always been waiting , all my life , for writing and story-telling to be transparent to me as well ; that moment has arrived …
16 The first stage is eliciting a general practitioner 's interest and commitment to being involved in purchasing .
17 This may be out of a desire for absolute simplicity and ready accessibility for visitors , or because other commitments do not allow time and people to be available for the preparation and practice of music .
18 Population surveys of disabled people help governments and service-providers to be aware of numbers and needs .
19 In most disciplines it is not possible to say exactly when the discipline has achieved sufficient breadth and depth to be able to be considered as a subject in its own right .
20 There is a need for parents , teachers and governors to be vigilant in ensuring that there is no warping of our education service in the pursuit of financial support .
21 It is generally thought that it is helpful for managers and clinicians to be aware of the variations between maternity units and knowing where their own unit stands .
22 Proven and probable reserves are the estimated quantities of crude oil , natural gas and natural gas liquids which geological , geophysical and engineering data demonstrate with a specified degree if certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs and which are considered commercially producible .
23 However , there is no question that Wildlife Health centres are needed to improve our knowledge and ability to be effective in conserving and managing wildlife , and to improve its welfare .
24 He conjured before their minds a poetic word-picture of St Aidan coming from Iona in Scotland and settling there with his band of monks to pray and to spread Christianity among the heathen English ; and spoke of St Cuthbert to whom on that spot the people went to seek help and comfort and guidance , until he fled across the sands and sea to be alone with God on his island — so carry the lesson back , to a county black with people and with coal , carry back the need for quiet , and separation from whirl , and silence ; and so heaven will be nearer .
25 I want to pass all my exams , I want my mum and dad to be proud of me .
26 If the military regimes of the Interregnum were prepared within reason to allow lay men and women to be godly in whichever way seemed most appropriate to them , they did expect them to be godly in some way .
27 Sow antirrhinums , calendulas , clarkias , cornflowers and nemesias to be ready for early summer displays next year .
28 He was also involved with arranging the beacons and ordered wood and pitch to be available for the beacon watch .
29 They should also be sufficiently distant from the continental rise and slope to be safe from ‘ slumping ’ .
30 I beg to move , That leave be given to bring in a Bill to provide for certain descriptions of shops in England and Wales to be open for trade on Sunday , subject to their being registered with the local authority ; to impose a general prohibition on the opening on Sunday of other shops , extending this prohibition to certain business premises which on week-days are open for the service of customers ; to provide protection for persons employed in or for the purposes of a shop which is , or is to be , registered for Sunday opening , where they have conscientious or other objections to working on Sunday ; to make consequential and other repeals in the Shops Act 1950 ; and for connected purposes .
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