Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] have be make to " in BNC.

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1 no alteration , modification or addition has been made to the Licensed Software without 's prior written consent
2 But in February 1681 many witnesses began to see more advantage in making themselves acceptable to the government than to the Whigs , and in stating that attempts had been made to suborn them to give evidence .
3 It is perhaps in recognition of the awkward position of English law that exceptions have been made to the marital-rape exemption in recent years .
4 So to limit the interpretation of the word would follow the principle that words in a statute which have , or can have , a general meaning may have to be given a specialised and narrower meaning in order to make sense of the legislation and to avoid the conclusion that changes have been made to the existing law which can not have been intended by Parliament .
5 She knows , too , that representations have been made to the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
6 The excavations in the early part of this century have made this a difficult building to interpret , but it is clear from the published plan that alterations had been made to the original structure , which probably dates from the third century .
7 The Board gave its blessing to the scheme and in May 1926 , the Minister of Health confirmed that application had been made to the General Nursing Council for approval of St. Peter 's as a training school .
8 The School Alterations and improvements have been made to the school to cater for the requirements of the nursery classes .
9 The School Alterations and improvements have been made to the school to cater for the requirements of the nursery classes .
10 I think it 's rather important in connection with the north eastern A sixty four sector to realize that and reference has been made to the M A F F Central Science Laboratory , that it was a condition specified by M A F F in nineteen ninety , that their site should be a green field site free of airborne pollution .
11 The seat in question had already been reallocated from the PSOE to the United Left ( IU ) in a recount on Nov. 11 , and appeals had been made to the Constitutional Court against the Murcia court 's decision of Dec. 1 to hold fresh elections .
12 Although homoeopathy has survived for close on two hundred years without drastic changes , it is not a static thing , and variations and modifications have been made to it throughout its history .
13 That does not alter the reality , and representations have been made to the chief executive of the SDA arising out of what was discussed in Committee .
14 It 's alleged John Baillie shot the victim twice in the back after threats had been made to his family .
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