Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] as [pron] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 He spoke slowly , deliberately , first in the music of Quechua then in Spanish , or Castellano as he called it , stopping to emphasise his points with a jabbing , rhetorical ‘ eh-eh ? ’
2 Everyone says — my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has made the point several times — that Yugoslavia as we knew it is no more .
3 Nothing could have been better designed to ram home to the Scots that monarchy as they understood it was a thing of the past .
4 He dreamed of it and of himself catching it ; imagining it lunging and threshing as he played it and tussled to land it .
5 It was to be made in whole and smashed bricks , the whole bricks to represent the walls of the world — the Berlin Wall , the Walls of Jericho , the Western ( Wailing ) Wall , the Great Wall of China and Hadrian 's Wall — and the smashed bricks to represent the breakdown of Jewish life and status as they knew it .
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