Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] have [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 Special procedure is provided for provisional licences where building or reconstruction has yet to be done : subs .
2 The question of how far TVEI ultimately succeeds or fails has yet to be answered .
3 Top of the list would be Television South-West , the West Country contractor , although Mr Romaine said that discussions had yet to be opened .
4 Victorians , who had yet to discover the stiff upper lip and the view that religion had always to be a serious matter , were passionate people who expressed their feelings freely and often loudly .
5 A few years ago Japanese-Americans were compensated for being interned during the second world war , and some ( mostly white ) people have begun to point out that blacks have yet to be compensated for centuries of slavery .
6 The desire to avoid using past expenditure in assessing need means that attention has often to be confined to those indicators which are easily available at the Local Authority level , but the choice often appears to be arbitrarily restricted .
7 The MPRP leader , President Punsalmaagiyn Ochirbat , stated afterwards that efforts had now to be made to promote further democratization and to overcome the current economic crisis .
8 These were planned for later in the year , although dates had yet to be announced .
9 He does n't defend it as the best way of getting the correct decision , he does n't defend it , or he does n't solely defend it that way he does n't defend it either on the idea that people have right to be tried by their peers for example which is the most likely defence now , but he defends jury service on the grounds of the effect it has on the jurors which is quite a novel erm .
10 It 's for this reason that shareware has n't to be confused with public domain ( PD ) software .
11 Unfortunately , very little is known about Brough , Dorn , Willoughby and Bourton , and defences have yet to be proven for the latter pair .
12 The judge would be empowered to grant immediate bail to the defendant if the crimes were those of illegal possession of arms and criminal conspiracy , or to free him or her a year after the start of a trial if sentence had yet to be passed .
13 De la Puente had rejected opposition demands that the Roman Catholic Church act as a mediator in joint talks between the combined opposition and the government , and he also claimed that areas of agreement and disagreement had yet to be established .
14 Hedges as boundaries have not been invented , and England has yet to be enclosed by the landlords in neat and formal fields .
15 Their viability and importance have yet to be established but may be a contributary factory to peritoneal recurrence .
16 Jones had tried various materials and what he now sought was rather clearly defined — are there neutrons of a specific energy or not ? — and his apparatus was almost completed and ready to go ; the chemists by contrast had to do a broader range of experiments as their problem was more subtle — is there fusion and if so by what process ? — and the necessary materials and apparatus had yet to be assembled .
17 Childhood is a time when full responsibility and citizenship have yet to be established .
18 All they have been offered , they feel , is a gesture toward an explanation — a menu of dishes whose aromas and flavours have yet to be tried .
19 This meant that concepts and ideas had continually to be tested against specific problems confronted in particular situations .
20 Although there are important differences between the various theories , the great majority of researchers assert that ‘ aggression ’ ( however defined ; see below for a discussion on definitions ) is an integral part of human nature ; and that aggressive impulses and behaviour have somehow to be directed and controlled for human relations to be sustained over time in a social setting .
21 What attracts many scientists to this hypothesis is that those perturbations of the orbits of Neptune and Pluto have yet to be explained satisfactorily in any other way .
22 Potential differences in this respect between intermittent octreotide injection and CSOI have yet to be studied .
23 She felt no particular guilt : merely that marriage was a kind of old-fashioned scale : a tray on either side in which the fors and againsts had somehow to be kept in balance , and that extramarital sex had sometimes to be heaped on one side just to keep it steady because indefinable things were piling on the other .
24 Despite the current employment situation in the UK , where some 280 BA-sponsored graduates from Oxford and Prestwick have yet to be employed as aircrew by the airline , Meehan is unequivocal in his optimism for the future .
25 But a report prepared by a technical committee on constitutional issues , which was to have been discussed on the morning of the arrests , emphasised that significant differences of detail and approach had still to be resolved .
26 But the relationship between description and prescription has still to be worked out : the principle of pedagogic accountability remains in force .
27 The Safrane goes on sale in January and prices have still to be announced , but expect the RT to cost about £18,500 , the RXE £25,500 .
28 One very notable exception , though , is Joe Satriani who , with the release of his new album , ‘ The Extremist ’ , proves that the final chapter in the book of fretboard fire and fury has still to be writ .
29 Final configuration and pricing has yet to be finalised , the firm says , and it is still casting around for a name , although Series 200 has been mooted .
30 The final date and venues have yet to be set .
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