Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] in [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A consequence of seeing rules in this way is that a very high degree of consensus concerning the rule is to be expected among members cf the group or sub-culture in which the rule applies .
2 ( m ) To control , manage , finance , subsidise , or co-ordinate or otherwise assist any company or companies in which the Company has a direct or indirect financial interest , to provide secretarial , administrative , technical , commercial and other services and facilities of all kinds for any such company or companies and to make payments by way of subvention or otherwise any other arrangements which may seem desirable with respect to any business or operations of or generally with respect to any such company or companies .
3 ( m ) To control , manage , finance , subsidise , or co-ordinate or otherwise assist any company or companies in which the Company has a direct or indirect financial interest , to provide secretarial , administrative , technical , commercial and other services and facilities of all kinds for any such company or companies and to make payments by way of subvention or otherwise any other arrangements which may seem desirable with respect to any business or operations of or generally with respect to any such company or companies .
4 This will ease the calculation of important dates during the term ( for example rent review dates or years in which the tenant is liable to paint ) .
5 A project is any exercise or investigation in which the time constraints have been relaxed .
6 Even the crucibles or pots in which the steel was made were produced here , and the pot shop can still be seen .
7 In both these cases the alleged negligence was that of the medical staff at a hospital , but , as the decided cases show , it could have arisen from a range of other contexts , for instance from negligent driving of a motor vehicle or negligence on the part of a railway company or tramway company in respect of a train or tram in which the mother of the child was travelling as a passenger while pregnant .
8 Answer guide : Financial risk relates to the mix of owners equity and debt financing , whereas business risk refers to the type of business or trade in which the enterprise is engaged .
9 We recorded the address of each person arrested over the six month period — a total of over 5,000 people — and , using maps , we ascertained the enumeration district or ward in which the arrestee lived .
10 Leadership depends for its success not only on the knowledge , skills and personality of the leader , but also on the task to be achieved , the skills and motivation of the team , and the environment or situation in which the leader has to operate .
11 Consequently , the same gesture in horses may indicate different emotions , and it is the context or situation in which the gesture is used that more fully reveals its meaning .
12 In view of the difficulty of satisfactorily exaggerating conditions in high humidity markets , it is always desirable to put samples on test at actual conditions of the market or markets in which the product is to be sold , i.e. , storage at the mean maximum temperature and mean maximum humidity .
13 However little " plot " there might be in some of our dramas , there is always narrative of some kind ; a series of events or incidents in which the sequence itself is meaningful .
14 It is often said that the hammer axle bushing in the Kapsel , or fork in which the hammer shank is mounted , absorbs enough of the energy of the returning hammer to act as a check .
15 Pairs of sentences that have a coherent semantic relation have been shown to be more rapidly processed than pairs in which the relation is less distinct [ Just & carpenter , 1978 ] .
16 We did , however , note that patients in whom the interposition had been performed 10 or more years previously , showed a higher propulsive rate .
17 Kuehn ( 1974 ) in an analysis of victim reports of 100 crimes found that crimes in which the victim was threatened by a weapon were neither more nor less completely reported than those in which no weapon was used .
18 However , the information collected will be determined by the situations and activities in which the child is engaged during the period of time being sampled .
19 Hence the importance of the residential and extracurricular activity — above all occasions and activities in which the teenager can know that someone is unobtrusively and undemandingly interested in them .
20 Another writer with a far briefer experience of life under sail , John Masefield , stands by contrast right in the centre of the convention of action and narrative in which the glory of adventure-story lies ; for at least one period of his life Masefield would have agreed , as Conrad would not , that he was a ‘ writer of sea-stories ’ .
21 In a school setting , it may be possible to approximate to such situations by encouraging peer learning groups and discussions in which the teacher assumes a facilitatory role rather than a didactic role .
22 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
23 This path also involves a closer and more permanent relationship with other parties that have a stake in the company 's performance — suppliers , dealers , creditors , even the towns and cities in which the company resides .
24 assess the likely cause of the problem and identify the sub-system , programs and data in which the problem originated
25 They include the financial owners , managers , lenders , customers and communities in which the organisation operates .
26 There are populations and communities in which the virus is more prevalent and which should therefore receive more attention in terms of information , education and service provision .
27 However , is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a system of local income tax would not create economic ghettos and areas in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the local Labour authority would have carte blanche without capping — something which he will not allow and which will have to be dealt with through exemptions ?
28 Since both f and g decrease from ½ towards -½ in the interaction region , it is appropriate to divide this region into the subregions A and B in which the product fg is positive and negative respectively as indicated in Figure 10.4 .
29 Sometimes the definitions can border on the eccentric : the American admiral who commands all his country 's ships , airmen , soldiers and marines in what the pentagon regards as ‘ the Pacific ’ — as in the admiral 's official title CINCPAC , Commander-in-Chief , Pacific — holds sway over an ocean which has its westerly shores oft Mombasa , and is arbitrarily cut off along a line running due south from the border between Mexico and Guatemala .
30 Section 231 requires information specified in Schedule 5 to be given in notes to the accounts regarding what are referred to in the headings to the section and the Schedule as ‘ related undertakings ’ — an expression which the Act does not define but which includes parent and subsidiary undertakings , associated undertakings , joint ventures , and undertakings in which the company has a substantial holding .
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