Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] of [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of the current investigation is to show a possible binding or uptake of PT-gliadin in the enterocytes , and to compare the handling of the components between coeliac patients and controls .
2 At a phenomenal level , what happens here can be described by saying that it is as if your perceptual mechanisms became fatigued by some salient characteristic of the adapting stimulus — its orientation or periodicity in the case of Figure 9 , or direction of movement in the case of the motion after-effect .
3 It encourages pupils to approach them from angles not considered by other subjects or forms of study in the curriculum .
4 And there are few enough references to international hostilities in the novels of Jane Austen , or signs of distress in the great landscape and portrait paintings of the age .
5 They were composed of three members : a chairman and two members , one a representative of workers , the other drawn from a panel of persons appearing ‘ to have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area to which the panel relates and of the problems of people living on low incomes ’ .
6 Members are appointed by the President from those considered to ‘ have knowledge or experience of conditions in the area and to be representative of persons living or working in the area ’ ( Social Security Act 1975 , Sched. 10 , para. ( 2 ) ) .
7 However , an attempt may be made to allocate particular bits or groups of bits in the operation code field to particular features of the instruction ; one bit , for example , might specify whether the result of an operation is to be placed in the accumulator , and another whether the fixed-point arithmetic unit is to be used by the operation .
8 Searches may be made through subject headings ( though these are too broad to be really useful ) , or more effectively — at least in the pure and applied sciences — through keywords or combinations of keywords in the titles of books listed .
9 We might expect such a recognition to be especially difficult in strong cultures , where investment of self in the work of the firm is most profound .
10 A closed system is a system in which there is no net gain or loss of matter in the system .
11 But the company 's Canadian parent , The Thomson Corporation , lost ground on its publishing side after providing for the sale or closure of titles in the UK and north America .
12 Many of the suggestions made in this Report presuppose a higher degree of expertise and commitment in church organists or directors of music in the future than is often the case at present .
13 As more data accumulate it may turn out that there are in fact subtle differences and that these relate to the presence or degree of sinistrality in the patient 's family or to the position of the hand during writing ( see below ) .
14 It was a tiny observation port designed to give a view in an emergency of level of water or degree of fire in the engine room beyond .
15 And I never went to see Arafat since 1982 because we had not heard of any mood or climate of change in the attitude of the PLO .
16 It may be — despite the fact that there are many incarnations or revelations of God in the Indian religious traditions too — that there is a difference here between some religious traditions of the Near East and those of the Indian sub-continent .
17 There have been no previous reports of the occurrence or distribution of EGF in the healthy and inflamed squamous oesophagus , although we have described the occurrence of EGF in Barrett 's mucosa .
18 a ) decision process speed : the speed at which the individual ( or group of individuals in the case of multi-individual buying situations ) moves through the decision process will depend on a number of factors , including : * whether the decision involves a simple or routine purchased in which case routine response or impulse behaviour will occur .
19 The commercial baby foods often have whole peas or pieces of carrot in the puréed food which the child will spit out or refuse to eat .
20 On the one hand , the child hears people speaking ; like the linguist studying children 's language , children have access to a corpus or sample of language in the utterances they hear .
21 The exclusion zone approved by the Home Secretary bans any procession or convoy of vehicles in the area .
22 Sufferers from the family disease can no more control their addiction to " self-denial " and " caretaking " by themselves than any primary sufferer can control his or her use of the substance or behaviour of addiction in the absence of support from the Anonymous Fellowships .
23 ( a ) Examples of additional enquiries ( 1 ) Is the seller aware of any development or proposals for the development or use of property in the neighbourhood which might adversely affect the property or the amenities of persons living in it ? ( 2 ) Has the property to the seller 's knowledge been affected at any time by structural , building or drainage defects , flooding , dry rot , timber infestation or rising damp ? ( 3 ) Please confirm that any damage caused to decorations by the removal of fixtures and fittings will be made good by the seller before completion .
24 With land improvements in the LFA until recently attracting 50% grants and drainage attracting either 60% or 70% of costs in the UK ( plus guidance premia for farmers with Development Plans ) , a higher proportion of land improvement costs overall has been borne by the state than by the farmer .
25 We can repeat our exercise and briefly characterise the divergence between the naturalistic and sociological explanations , this time through reference to marriage and the position or role of women in the family ( Table 1.2 ) .
26 Mean hearing thresholds are related mainly to the presence or absence of fluid in the middle ear .
27 They examined fingerprints for arches , loops and whorls , and palmprints for the presence or absence of patterns in the thenar , hypothenar and interdigital areas .
28 The young society was not drawn to quaintness , or studiousness , or absence of mind in the outfield .
29 In patients who had undergone operation an χ 2 test was performed for the analysis of the possible association with mortality of the following variables : stage I-II v stage IV disease , histological subtype low/mixed grade or high grade , presence or absence of gastric serosal invasion , presence or absence of lymphoma in the margin of resection or contiguous extension of the lymphoma to nearby abdominal organs , or both , and tumour size over or under 10 cm .
30 The patient returned 10 to 12 days after the procedure for a tubogram to assess the presence or absence of stones in the gall bladder and the patency of the cystic and common bile ducts .
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