Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] be on the point " in BNC.

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1 The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) reported in mid-February that Kurdistan was on the point of collapse and that hundreds of thousands of people were facing starvation as a result of the Iraqi blockade and the cutting of supply lines to Iran by snow and to Turkey by a lorry strike .
2 M.J. talked a lot , and Donald said I encouraged her too much , and that I.C.B. was on the point of being more personal and interesting if I had let her — but I was rather shy of it .
3 Drilling operations had meanwhile been shifted to the south , and oil was finally struck in Masjid-i-Suleiman on 26 May 1908 , just as D'Arcy and Burmah were on the point of giving up .
4 We chattered a while and Benjamin was on the point of leaving when the Queen stepped forward .
5 George and Elizabeth were on the point of going to bed when they heard a knock on the door .
6 The home itself was pillaged often , and by 1957 both Mary and Terry were on the point of collapse after months existing on half-nights of sleep .
7 It 's a wonder I did n't kill Benjamin but , when I opened my eyes , two of the rogues were dead of huge gashes between shoulder and neck whilst Benjamin was on the point of driving his sword straight through the breast of a third .
8 Just as Emily was on the point of replying , the hammering stopped and Mr Zamoyski emerged from the entrance to his workshop .
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