Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] be hold to be " in BNC.

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1 Although Aurangzeb was held to be bold and valiant , he was capable of great dissimulation and hypocrisy .
2 I do not accept the intervener 's argument that it is in some way undignified for the decision of a visitor on the basis of advice from an eminent judge to be subject to judicial review and that if certiorari is held to be available senior judges will not wish to give such advice .
3 Social Integration of Incomers and Shetlanders is held to be the aim , and an achievable aim : achievable especially by dispersal of housing ( DDP : 28 ) .
4 Other types of fraud and mistake are held to be insufficient for the offence of rape , and bring the case within the lesser offence of procuring a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse ( section 3 , Sexual Offences Act 1956 , carrying a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment ) .
5 The distinction between males and females is held to be so fundamental as to be unworthy of comment .
6 If so , Pyro has an action under the Act as personal injuries are covered by the Act ( s. 5(1) ) and none of the defences would appear to be relevant , unless Pyro is held to be contributorily negligent , when his damages would be reduced .
7 The way of life argument was often used against closure since schools were held to be an important aspect of local life since the loss of the teacher and the school building seemed like a sentence of death for the community .
8 Again , since truth is held to be individual and also fallible , rulership will be both conditional and also temporary ; because clearly the views as to what is true and therefore proper for government to act upon will change from time to time as opinion fluctuates amongst the body of the people .
9 Incidentally , though Walker is held to be still more than a touch rusty after so long away from rugby — inclined , for instance , to carry the ball under the wrong arm — the rapidity with which he has come into cap contention ought to be food for thought for our own Jamie Henderson .
10 The imaginary antagonist next argues that the argument contains a contradiction — namely , that as men are held to be primarily governed by their emotions in the attachment they have to religion , rationality will be of no avail against it .
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