Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] be in [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Was it possible that Barrymore was in fact the man who had been watching Sir Henry in London ?
2 If the point of the first suggestion is that Athens was in reality the preserve of a leisured upper class , that is simply untrue .
3 Comfort for Beleevers , a pastoral treatise never intended for the press , provoked a storm by declaring that God was in part the author of the sins of the godly .
4 If fraud is in issue the consent is required of the party so charged to the making of an order for arbitration ( Ord 19 , r 2(5) ) .
5 The given connection between causal circumstance and effect is in fact the principal instance of what can be called fundamental nomic connection or fundamental necessary connection .
6 Scalars and vectors are in fact the simplest types of tensors , and from SR it is well known that if an equality can be proved between vectors ( or scalars ) in one inertial frame then the equality remains true under Lorentz transformations to other inertial frames .
7 To Irenaeus , the normal ministry of word and sacrament is in principle the point where the Spirit of God is encountered , not at emotional ecstasies which reject rationality and tradition .
8 The limitations of Stephano and Trinculo are in part the limitations of their medium .
9 While Khrushchev was in power the Barnabite Committee debated here in the 50s the so-called ‘ crimes ’ against the Communist Party .
10 Since reports were in sign the lexical identification of individual items often derived from the other parameters .
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