Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] be [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll find that the vast majority of competent people in any field of science , culture or management are connected with Civic Forum ; all areas indeed apart from religion which we leave to the church .
2 In some continental European countries , where workers were confronted with deep-seated social and political inequities , unions have been markedly political in orientation , seeing themselves as committed and class-oriented agents of social change on behalf of all workers , and not merely union members .
3 They suggest that the potentially delinquent individual may respond to his situation by joining one of three types of subculture : a criminal subculture , where delinquency is linked with adult criminality ; a conflict subculture , which occurs in areas where links between juvenile and adult criminality are not established ; and , thirdly , a retreatist or ‘ escapist ’ subculture .
4 This suggests that either the K + channel bearing cells were overgrown by other cell types when true confluency was achieved , or confluency was associated with full polarisation of the cells and mvoement of K + channels to the basolateral membrane , which was inaccessible to the patch pipette .
5 Also , as an immigrant to Canada , I can affirm it 's more pleasant living where problems are met with cheerful optimism instead of the sullen whining which passes for debate in Britain .
6 Analysis of such a complex ‘ polygenic ’ disorder is not easy but ‘ candidate genes ’ can be identified and recombinant DNA techniques used to investigate whether any particular genotype or haplotype is associated with increased risk of disease .
7 Problems in your absence like a flat tyre or battery are dealt with free of charge .
8 Decorated with Disney 's best loved characters — such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck — the Teethe & Cool is filled with sanitised water .
9 They might consider , for instance , that their own welfare is linked to the size of the enterprise independently of whether the return to shareholders is maximised , perhaps because high remuneration , power , or prestige are associated with large scale rather than profitability .
10 Among them , the WFS surveys verified that early marriages or unions are associated with premature childbearing and achievement of large families upon completion of the reproductive period .
11 It is therefore not surprising that otaku are fascinated with new technology such as virtual reality or digital compression as it connects to pornography .
12 It is important that Compacts be designed with sufficient flexibility for those students who are failing at a certain stage , to negotiate re-entry and a further attempt at the goals .
13 Moreover , in a recent study it was suggested that aging is associated with increasing gastrin and pepsinogen secretion in humans , particularly in men .
14 Increasingly the demands of the position are such that appointments are made with limited tenure only ; and the rotation of the office between partners of firms which have amalgamated is often adopted .
15 Chomsky filled this gap by suggesting that infants are born with innate knowledge of the properties of language .
16 The falsificationist demands that theories be stated with sufficient clarity to run the risk of falsification .
17 They speculated that this may be related to the fact that patients are referred with chronic or refractory conditions that have proved difficult to treat in general practice .
18 Although people were endowed with different abilities and suffered varying degrees of misfortune , capitalism held out the promise that hard work and frugality would lead to increased prosperity for all those who wished to avail themselves of the opportunities it offered .
19 There need be no implication that success is identified with indefinite continuation : costs , human and material , can be limited to what is acceptable within an agreed time span .
20 He claims that doctors are bombarded with new and more expensive joints each year with no proof that they 're any better than the cheap ones .
21 The more you think about it , the more you realize that life is riddled with Iterated Prisoner 's Dilemma games , not just human life but animal and plant life too .
22 There is , however , no reason to believe that fundectomy is associated with increased duodenogastric reflux .
23 One reason , of particular salience in developing countries , is that services are regarded with considerable suspicion .
24 Under the New South Wales legislation , an assertion of consent would generally amount to a denial that injury was inflicted with intent to have sexual intercourse .
25 Those works have shown that HPVs are associated with premalignant and malignant lesions of the stratified squamous epithelium .
26 The review elicited a letter from Brian Crozier , a right-wing journalist , which alleged that Barnet was associated with KGB-influenced institutions .
27 At 2–1 up , Team Cotswold played it steady and Chelmsford were plagued with bad luck on net cords and injuries .
28 Higher notes can be obtained ( e.g. at the opening of Stravinsky ‘ s Sacre du Printemps , where top Cs and Ds are used with extraordinary and eerie effect in the unaccompanied passage for solo bassoon with which that masterpiece begins ) but the B♭ given is a safe limit for the average player .
29 ‘ Most knowledge and experience is located with independent providers .
30 Often quite different language and notations are needed with different groups ; it would be a very ambitious program that attempted to cope with this .
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