Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [ex0] be the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 We had no doubt that if there was the slightest suggestion that the statements differed materially from the evidence given by the witnesses the learned trial judge would have called for these statements and examined them himself and if necessary would have made them available to the defence .
2 Lydia was not exactly terrified , but she was sitting very , very still so that if there was the slightest noise she could be quite certain that it was not she who had caused it .
3 Other members of her family are also asked the same questions , and if there is the slightest discrepancy it can be used as proof that she is not the person she claims to be .
4 People want too much too fast , and when there 's the merest hint of success on the horizon , there 's problems . ’
5 Cleo realised she was frightened , but if there was the slightest possibility she could catch sight of Inky 's shade , she was prepared to risk whatever might happen over the next few hours .
6 For if there is the smallest hope of escape … if there is the merest chance that I could return to the world and to Grainne , I would tear this place down stone by stone .
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