Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [noun prp] [conj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or as Ainscow and Tweddle emphasise in their important book , Preventing Classroom Failure :
2 It occurred to me that if Stratton and Brown had known each other , so might their wives , perhaps .
3 That Spartan deference to allied feeling was indeed a matter of necessity not sentiment is shown by her peace proposals to Athens in 425 : in Thucydides ' account ( iv.20 ) the Spartans say that if Athens and Sparta do a deal the rest of Greece will do them honour .
4 He asked why it was said that if Denmark and Britain rejected the treaty they would have to leave the EC , when this had not been said of France or Germany .
5 Which means that if Gillian and Denise have any problems with the part all they 'll have to do is take a cue from Tara , for she is a seasoned performer who starred in Fortwilliam Musical Society 's production of the musical .
6 One view is that since France and Britain have developed only semi-token nuclear deterrents , they only require semi-token space programmes .
7 At a press briefing on May 1 a Foreign Ministry spokesman said that while Iran and Turkey shared common goals in their handling of the refugee crisis , Turkey wanted the allied forces to remain longer in border areas , while Iran preferred UN supervision .
8 Averell Harriman , from his unique experience of Anglo-American relations over more than a generation , observed that while Roosevelt and Churchill had made the more far-reaching decisions , they were much less close than Macmillan and Kennedy .
9 The jury has heard that after Magee and O'Brien had driven off , they were chased by PC Whitehouse and WPC Larkin .
10 First , and hardest , by making sure that as Poland and Hungary wriggle free from the East they do not find themselves blocked off from the West .
11 When the Friar reached the point where the horses had been caught and where Marian and Hugh escaped into the woods he was barely half-an-hour behind them .
12 Nothing remains of the house where the Pretender hid and where Johnson and Boswell stayed : a few stones peeping forth from grassy old mounds , within new unruly sycamores and sprouting ashes .
13 He said the media had been impulsive in reporting the incident and that Mansell and Ferrari had appealed to two different bodies — the national motorsports tribunal in Portugal and FIA 's international tribunal .
14 They conjecture that Poseidon was a central figure between two fountains and that Hercules and Atlas held the wire grid before the bright disk which simulated the motion of the heavens .
15 Others had noticed the Observer piece and that Sharp and Neville had arrived in London , including the Evening Standard 's ‘ Londoners ’ Diary' .
16 It was evident , as the trial went on , that Lord Robertson had held for many years a belief amounting to an article of faith that Meehan and Griffiths had committed the Ayr murder , and that so paltry a matter as overwhelming evidence to show that they had n't and that Waddell and McGuinness had , was in no way going to sway him .
17 Parker boasts the Queen among its ‘ owners ’ and that Reagan and Gorbachev signed the 1987 arms treaty with one of its pens .
18 They were 132 for 6 at the close and it was clearly time to pray for rain ; but it came on the rest day by mistake , and although Emburey and Downton battled for a while , the end was not long delayed .
19 Fifteen wickets were to go down in all that day , and although Gooch and Robinson made a sound start , once they were separated the procession continued as normal .
20 And if White and Green had merged , ‘ Lime ’ would still get three .
21 And this is unlikely to happen unless there is a European political union and unless Europe and Japan play a more autonomous international role .
22 Later came the task of packing the barbecue and hampers on to the trailer which also carried the rafts , and while Silas and Matt stored smaller items away the two raft guides used pails and mops to wash over the floor with hot water .
23 In principle , therefore , there was now a global US policy even if , in Vietnam , it depended upon a French surrogate , and when Acheson and Schuman met face to face , after apparently unrecorded or at least so far undisclosed conversation , Acheson wanted to establish a close and immediate connection between the problem of Southeast Asia and the defence of the West .
24 John Major , the Foreign Secretary , said in another BBC interview that nothing had changed since the EC Madrid summit last June : Britain would become a full member of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) when inflation fell to ‘ the approximate rate ’ of European competitors , and when France and Italy abolished exchange controls .
25 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and Hewlett agreed to support a common position Sun decided it could n't resist , especially with Novell Inc nudging it on .
26 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and HP agreed to support a common position Sun eventually found it could n't resist , especially with Novell nudging it on .
27 The small restaurants were in good-natured competition to secure the most customers , and as Ashley and Vitor approached waiters came out to greet them .
28 At the far end of the field , by the gate , there was a group of small cows , and as Clara and Walter approached , these cows turned round to face them .
29 We 're meeting in July on the pay and as Ron and Bill know we are seeking full restoration of the losses in respect of base rates , working time and premium payments .
30 David stood up then and held the door open , and as Greg and Nina left the room he turned to Rachel .
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