Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] is [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It should be borne in mind , however , that if repeat sequences are to be probed , or if it is known to which chromosome or approximate chromosome region the repetitive or the unique sequences map , procedures can be simplified .
2 The language of section 20(1) ( iv ) ( b ) is wide enough to cover larceny by a bailee or part owner and embezzlement ; but it is a matter of dispute whether it does so or whether it is limited to those types of misappropriation , originally not criminal , for which the Act of 1901 was intended to provide .
3 When do the hands appear to stop — before reaching the boundary of the hole , or at the boundary exactly , or when it is crushed to a point at the centre of the hole ? ’
4 The sort of spatial metaphor implicit in Peer Gynt 's account of himself is also apt in the accounts of self given by Daly , Millett and Frye , except that there is assumed to be a ‘ core ’ .
5 This is not unlike the high-technology if , vestment profile except that it is generalised to situations where the expected risks of high technology are absent .
6 The internal picture would then look exactly like that for the Hall effect in any normal conducting solid , except that it is limited to two dimensions .
7 There is no limit to the effects which can be created using this method , except that it is restricted to the use of plain carpet .
8 Yes , Mr Chairman , I , erm , I , I , I do appreciate that erm , I 've been invited through Committee er , to go through what I do represent er , the building project erm , on behalf of the economic development , because as you all know , I 'm of course on the economic development before , but er , in the past I 've found that that I have er been , shall we say , relieved of my positions on other er , position , erm , unknownst to myself , and of course I have er , actually turned up on these planning functions and been there , and to me in the past , I have always found that if one is going to be missed one must then , one 's either asked if he wishes to continue , if he 's been doing his job properly , if he does n't do his job properly then it 's only right to replace him .
9 There are opportunities for development in the Swindon front garden , in the Chippenham front garden , the Devizes front garden , wherever , and it is my belief that since this county council originally purchased those farms , and have since maintained them , that if there is going to be a development windfall , then that should accrue to this county council and not to Thamesdown or whoever else it happens to be .
10 One or two of the hotel 's regular visitors and local residents who use the hotel frequently have told Winter privately that they think it is a mistake and that it is leading to friction and a lowering of standards .
11 I believe that God 's forgiveness is one of the most blessed and therapeutic experiences and that it is offered to all who seek it …
12 Kappeller argues that pornography should be analysed as representation , and that it is degrading to women .
13 The look of the covers is central to the consistency of the brand name , ensuring that each volume conforms to expectations and that it is concocted to the same recipe .
14 Limitation of family size will not happen unless it can be done without trespassing on conscience and unless practicable means are available ; and unless it is perceived to be in the families ' interests to do so ( Coale 1973 ) .
15 When the amendment is carried , it becomes the substantive motion and when it is put to the vote you vote against it since you would prefer to give nothing rather than £15 .
16 It could be said that his attitude is as a result of his poverty but in chapter three we meet a young boy called Chuck Little who ‘ did n't know where his next meal was coming from ’ but who was also ‘ a perfect gentleman ’ and when he is contrasted to Bob Ewell 's son Burris we see that they are both in similar circumstances .
17 The quantity n is called the principal quantum number and though it is related to angular momentum it is not identical with it as Bohr had supposed .
18 The editors ' underlying theme is that retirement needs to be viewed holistically ; that it is not simply an individual transition but that it is linked to a person 's past or context and , equally importantly , to their social networks , especially family relationships .
19 ‘ Sorry , but if there is going to be a financial crash , the first instinct is survival . ’
20 But when it is transferred to the printed page , where it is read and not heard , all the clues necessary for following the exchange have to be extracted from other sources in the text .
21 I think we need to say more about this , because while it is related to secularisation and is partly a direct result of laicisation , there is more to it than that .
22 Shapes should agree with choices ( i.e. it should be " choices that shape … " ) but the intervening " that " seems to have interfered , as though it is taken to be a singular subject .
23 At first sight , the filter circuit may appear conventional but the presence of the diode D1 is unconventional and it seems as though it is going to be switched off all the time anyway , the anode ( a ) always being at zero potential .
24 But th , the thing is that it looks as though it is going to be a fairly ongoing thing that 's going to it may be well on certainly er a beyond assembly when we have to come to a conclusion , and therefore we ought to know the picture er , of , within reform churches far more clearly in giving more time .
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