Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] be [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Woodfall , the company set up by Tony Richardson and John Osborne to exploit the profits from Look Back in Anger , with the aim of proving ‘ that good films , ones that showed British life as it really is , could be made cheaply ’ , nevertheless had no particular strategy for trying to bring down the budgets of films from the £100,000 or so they were costing to the £30,000 level that , for example , French filmmakers worked to .
2 those that have n't , are less fortunate than that , there must be something either for them or that they were going to heaven was n't they ?
3 If they have an appointment with somebody they try and turn up on time or if they are going to be late , they ring up and apologise .
4 or if they were going to the university they would n't of gone there for the interview
5 He has a month to decide whether he 's going to stay as a Member of Parliament and not be a member of the Government , or whether he 's going to be a member of the Government and resign his parliamentary seat .
6 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
7 Well okay so so you 're going to you 're going to erm emphasize the er the fact that what we are supplying is a noise tested
8 Yes , Mr Chairman , I , erm , I , I , I do appreciate that erm , I 've been invited through Committee er , to go through what I do represent er , the building project erm , on behalf of the economic development , because as you all know , I 'm of course on the economic development before , but er , in the past I 've found that that I have er been , shall we say , relieved of my positions on other er , position , erm , unknownst to myself , and of course I have er , actually turned up on these planning functions and been there , and to me in the past , I have always found that if one is going to be missed one must then , one 's either asked if he wishes to continue , if he 's been doing his job properly , if he does n't do his job properly then it 's only right to replace him .
9 Six double O ones in the gear , the six eight O seven and the one six double O fours in the valve , that basically that drives the gear if you like , in simple terms , and a David 's point was that if we 're allowing to further develop the valve business , and we 're just standing still say , on the gear business , and ultimately they have a bigger supplier , and ultimately put either gear business under more and more pressure , yeah ?
10 Mr Chairman we did tackle very successfully er under utilities where we employ an extra couple of officers , I even asked the question at for County Council what was going on , we , I think we 've got something further on the agenda elsewhere where we 're trying to keep our stand standards up , but I still feel that if we 're going to be able to deliver a promise we 've got to deliver it , if it means monitoring the erm utilities then I think we should do it .
11 Well , I mean I take the view that if we are going to erm have something on the agenda , I can telephone his secretary , I can write to him , anytime , which I 'm quite willing to do , I can not see the point in sending things through the post at twenty five P a time when we shall never see the man , and if he comes here
12 In the mid eighties we decided that if we were going to be one of the super unions , we had to be amalgamation-friendly .
13 ‘ I can assure you I 've never had the misfortune to meet your criminally motivated friend , but might I suggest that if you 're going to be paranoid about your picture you put it in a bank vault for safety ? ’
14 I know that if you are going to be really good at sport you have to concentrate on it completely and give up all your spare time and energy to it .
15 A reminder that if you are going to the game , of course if is all tickets , so you must get your tickets from Oxford United before setting off on Tuesday evening .
16 The only experience of collectivization there 'd been was the Soviet one and they seemed to have known at least something about the Soviet , they knew it involved a lot of force they knew that if you were going to collect you were going to collectivize you needed the mechaniz well they thought that you needed the mechanization first and they knew that they d A they did n't have the capacity for that mechanization they did n't want to use force I mean i it would , i it would have been very dangerous , would n't it , to go back to the countryside collectivization .
17 But when you loved it , did n't you I mean I know I did when I was a young person first drinking erm I definitely had the feeling that if I was drinking to excess I was n't doing the right thing , whereas the impression we give in Oxford that drinking to the excess is perfectly acceptable behaviour .
18 Well look the first thing to occur and immediately comes to mind is that if I was going to be really evil I would I 'd just stick it away in a quite drawer or wait until the day , and I 'd turn up when she was breaking the the bottle , the empty bottle over over the the skip , we 'd do a picture of her actually littering up the countryside .
19 Feeling in no way threatened by Ven , or anybody else , she then began to realise that if she was going to be assertive about anything , then it was about Ven Gajdusek answering one or two questions .
20 But , I think that if there 's going to be any assessment at all I think that 's quite a fair form of it .
21 I trust , I trust that if there 's going to be any question of names coming forward to be a approved locally , not selected , I hope not selected , that they will be er they 'll come from the local level at which the police authority actually functions and not from other counties without that particular area and so My Lords , I would suggest er that er the best step to go for is er Lord MacIntosh 's Amendment Number Five and his er supplements and I would suggest My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty is resisted by your Lordships because it talks about one half of the members shall be members of a relevant council and I suggest above all My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty Seven is cast into outer darkness .
22 I was going to speak in terms of numbers George it was just a wee thought that if there 's going to be three or four of them we want at least eight of us if not it 's gon na be a bit
23 There are opportunities for development in the Swindon front garden , in the Chippenham front garden , the Devizes front garden , wherever , and it is my belief that since this county council originally purchased those farms , and have since maintained them , that if there is going to be a development windfall , then that should accrue to this county council and not to Thamesdown or whoever else it happens to be .
24 Well I would expect that the Prime Minister would , I think this nonsense that is behind all this is that because I am talking to Gerry Adams , they do n't want to be seen to be talking to me because it looks this fingerprint argument
25 He pointed out that whether I was listening to a lecture , writing an exam , taking in the instructions of a track coach , studying in silence , reading a book , writing an essay or a report , or laying down the law in a pub , communication was operative .
26 Do you remember that when we were talking to Gamal and his friends they mentioned some of the men that Leila had gone around with ? ’
27 Yes , and one of the great ironies is that when I 'm talking to students about the nature of history , one of the first things I try and say to them is ‘ Look , do n't have this idea that there 's a great bundle of documents lying in an attic , and this is the way that history works , that people make a sensational discovery and then they write a book about it .
28 The red-faced major had a good memory for faces and well recalled that when he was lecturing to the officers of the Scots Guards at Pirbright in 1939 , a certain young gentleman had persistently slept through his talks , having spent the previous nights at wild parties in London .
29 There was no reason for it , except that when he was talking to Jimmy Williams he regularly felt that Jimmy required his interlocutors to act a part .
30 We knew when and where they were going to be moved before their guards did .
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