Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The essence of diffusionism is that where you find the same or similar techniques you propose the existence of some form of cultural connection or ‘ borrowing ’ , especially when , in the case of material objects , the similarities do not stem automatically from the raw materials used , and where they are reinforced by large numbers of parallel instances .
2 Except that we love the same man , she added silently .
3 Genetic differences may mean that although we eat the same diet , the level of cholesterol in your blood may be , say , 200 mg/100 ml ( 5–17 mmol/litre ) while mine is 300 mg/mI ( 7–76 mmol/l ) , giving me more than twice your risk of a heart attack .
4 ‘ I would hate it to go down in Conservative mythology that we always had to have a gaggle of young men running every campaign , ’ he said , ‘ although if we had the same bunch at the next election at least they 'd be a few years older . ’
5 Answer guide : The facts suggest that if we apply the same argument as we outlined for vehicles then reducing balance would be the choice .
6 Just pause to think , and you will realize that if you show the same ad to five different people there is a very fair chance that you will get five different judgements on its quality .
7 He believed that and she believed the same of him , and now … ?
8 Someone investing in only one or two shares , whether through a PEP or not , is exposed to a much greater risk than if they put the same sum into some form of collective investment .
9 And he wanted to make similar remarks about our initial belief that though we use the same language and agree on the words with which to describe the colours of the objects around us , still we might for all we know see the objects completely differently ; an object that causes in me what I call a sensation of red may cause in you what I would call a sensation of blue , though we can never know this since we will continue to agree on what to say and on how to act in our differently coloured environments ( we will all stop at a red traffic light , for instance ) .
10 You become very conscious in broadcasting that though you teach the same truths , you approach them from the opposite direction .
11 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
12 We did this or we shut down and if they wanted the latter we should shut down our plants immediately .
13 Stowmarket gave Clacton a fair thrashing earlier in the season and if they do the same to Loughton it would give Clacton 's title prospects a big boost .
14 A married couple who are sexually compatible ought to score 3 out of 4 , and if they share the same hobbies , it 's a jackpot .
15 To be honest , we were n't sure we 'd sell all our tickets for the replay , but they all went by Thursday and if we get the same backing , we must have a chance . ’
16 ‘ They were Group-wide events which showed just what can be achieved and if we have the same support for the other planned events then we are confident we can hit our target of £10,000 .
17 However , the appointment of a receiver must not be equated with that of a liquidator : ( i ) where a receiver is appointed the company need not go into liquidation and if it does the same person who acted as receiver will normally not be appointed liquidator ; ( ii ) liquidation is a class action designed to protect the interests of the unsecured creditors whereas , as we shall see , receivership is designed to protect the interests of the security holders who appointed the receiver and it is for this reason that a receiver can be appointed even where the company is in liquidation ; ( iii ) liquidation terminates the trading power of the company whereas this is not the case with receivership ; ( iv ) a liquidator has power to disclaim onerous property , something not possible in the case of receivership ; ( v ) a liquidator in a compulsory winding up is an officer of the court whereas this is not the case with a receiver unless appointed by the court ; ( vi ) lastly , it is easier to obtain recognition of liquidation as opposed to receivership in proceedings in foreign courts .
18 And if anyone chooses the same topic as somebody else then you can do it together or not together or which ever .
19 It 's a long-established human set-up , whose name comes from the Old Arcturean quickspeak for ’ family Organization ’ — because they like to affect a patriarchal system and because they demand the same absolute loyalty and devotion that one would show to close kinfolk .
20 As Nina remarks , this is a condition which afflicts Gael 's novel as well , and since it has the same title as the novel we read , comparison is inevitable .
21 She then swept the kitchen floor , knowing her aunt would wish this to be done , and as she swished the few crumbs into the dustpan she heard Silas moving furniture in the dining-room .
22 Polarisation in Israel there certainly is , but if one applies the same broad definition of ‘ moderate ’ and ‘ extremist ’ to the Israelis as one does to the Palestinians , one can not but conclude that precisely the reverse situation prevails among them , that it is their Jibrils and Abu Musas — or religious fundamentalists in the Hamas mould — who hold sway .
23 It would be impossible to accuse Lili of being ill-dressed , but if she wore the same clothes for decade after decade while my mother did not , then there was something wrong somewhere and my mother was suspecting that , implicit in the situation , lay criticism of her taste and judgement .
24 But if he borrows the same amount a second time he becomes liable to a second charge .
25 Our own genes cooperate with one another , not because they are our own but because they share the same outlet — sperm or egg — into the future .
26 I have a sensation of heat as I approach the fire ; but when I approach the same fire too closely , I have a sensation of pain ; so there is nothing to convince me that something in the fire resembles heat , any more than the pain ; it is just that there must be something in it ( whatever this may turn out to be ) that produces the sensations of heat or pain .
27 But when you explore the same region of the visual field with a moving spot you get a result that you could not have predicted from the responses with stationary spots .
28 He certainly did n't look as though he felt the same .
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