Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [verb] by a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This might be the case with provocation , for example : there may be objections to some of the distinctions now drawn by the law of provocation , but a broader defence of extreme emotional disturbance might provide for reduction of the offence in cases of loss of self-control when caring for a baby or when arrested by a police-officer known to be acting lawfully , and some might feel that there are strong arguments against this .
2 Close inspection of the data showed that the context effects were due to inhibition : when preceded by an anomalous context , words took an average of 110 milliseconds longer to identify than when preceded by a row of Xs .
3 And although restricted by a virus , the Glaswegian-born centre-forward has only found the target twice this season .
4 Fielding , Amis once remarked , showed that fiction can uphold a moral seriousness ‘ without evangelical puffing and blowing ’ ; his Take a Girl Like You ( 1960 ) has been aptly called a modernised replay of Richardson 's Pamela ; and when asked by a journalist which of the great novelists of the past he felt the closest affinity with , he replied reverently : ‘ With Fielding , though it seems a gross impertinence … ’ .
5 Most operators have therefore reduced their labour force to a core of general port operatives who are required to perform a wide variety of tasks , supplemented as and when needed by a periphery of temporary , casual or contract labour .
6 But as demonstrated by a variety of research — including both internal police studies and external work like the 1985 Islington Crime Survey — more damaging still is the accumulation of the public 's direct and disappointing contacts with police .
7 But it 's true : his fairway shot , as though drawn by a magnet , fell into Road Bunker or , as Tetsu himself called it , ‘ Nakajima 's Bunker ’ .
8 The Friar sprang to his feet as though bitten by a snake .
9 She felt as though confronted by a child : it 'll be all right , she wanted to say , I 'll see that it 's all right .
10 The rubber had been cut wide open , as though slashed by a surgeon 's knife .
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