Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [noun] can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Or if man can show it to sight .
2 Or if Simon can bring one home from work .
3 It can be argued that if Swans can establish they had not ordered the goods then no sale should have been recorded in which case revenue has to be reduced by the £80 and the creditor also has to be reduced by £80 .
4 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
5 And for us to go forward that is the first major thing we need to do and I 'm appealing today that if people can give us two hours on Saturday morning or a Friday afternoon , we need people , we do n't need two people on a street corner cos we 've done it and it is it we do n't get the effect we want , because most people walk past us .
6 And and where people can recognize me .
7 Submissive behaviour is defined as coming from a belief that your rights and needs are less important than other people 's and that others can violate them .
8 It suggests that there are universal human qualities , and that people can recognize them in Shakespeare 's dramas , over the centuries and through many cultural mediations .
9 Before turning to these — set out in two stages ( see below , pp. 93 – 106 ) — we need to be clear what we mean by reflective thinking , and that pupils can do it .
10 Treatment : The usual prescription for these problems is glasses or contact lenses and although babies can wear them , parents are often advised to wait and see if the problem corrects itself .
11 We resist change because of fear of the unknown and because change can threaten our fragile sense of identity — when my self-image is indistinct , I must hold on desperately to those parts I can see , so that they survive .
12 And when words can manage something of this , and manage it in a moment in time , and in that same moment make out of it all the vital signature of a human being — not of an atom , or of a geometrical diagram , or a heap of lenses — but a human being , we call it poetry .
13 It was just the thought of coping with this quantity alone that had me momentarily rattled , ’ she admitted with truth , then added with a hint of defiance , ‘ But if Stella can do it , I can do it . ’
14 ‘ Unfortunately , Simon 's going to be touch-and-go again because he has hamstring trouble , but if Jonesy can work his magic again we ca n't rule him out .
15 But before work can start they need the money , and the final bill could come to several million pounds .
16 But before Bruno can fulfil his dream of a third crack at sport 's biggest single prize , he must overcome Coetzer .
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