Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] do [pers pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 And how do we know that everything in this dump has n't fallen off the back of a lorry ? ’
2 And how do you check that the guest will be able to talk once he or she is on the show ?
3 And how do you know that he knows ? ’
4 It could involve a civil engineering student considering the social effects of a new construction — in other words , taking on a sociological perspective ; it could be a student of English trying to answer the question ‘ What is literature and why do we assume that it is a good thing ? ’ — and so embracing the thinking of moral philosophy ; it might be a student in the performing arts trying to understand how and why a particular tradition had evolved — so embarking on a historical study ; it could be a chemistry student being invited to consider the effects on the natural environment of industrial or agricultural chemicals — so adding a biological approach to the subject ; or it might be a social science student keen on human perspectives being encouraged to look at underlying statistical patterns .
5 And why do you assume that I wo n't be willing to assist you ? ’
6 But how do we ensure that ‘ long-term ’ computer storage media are usable after the elapse of such a period of time , and how would the PRO or departments cope with accessing and appraising such a vast amount of material to make a selection ?
7 It is all very well to use the language of manipulation or indoctrination but how do we know that this in fact is what happens ?
8 But how do we know that it is vocationally advantageous to study history or to put it the other way round , that to study history is not vocationally disadvantageous ?
9 I could take him to sea and keep him clean for three months , but how do you know that the moment the court case is done he wo n't just stuff his nose full of crap again ? ’
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