Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's probably best not to feed your fish for the first day or so as they settle in ( though some fish will feed within a few minutes of being stocked ) .
2 When asked about this revolt the Prime Minister replied that he ‘ thought speed was important and hoped she would send for Lord Home immediately-as soon as she got back to the Palace ’ .
3 Come here to see me if you will ; mother asks you , and I want you , but it is for you to come or not as you feel best , or as you like .
4 as I said earlier erm I suggested to them that perhaps as they went out so much perhaps one the company would do it , they sounded quite enthusiastic
5 Then he seemed to reach a decision , his night-dark eyes more compelling than ever as he looked back at her .
6 The rain was falling harder than ever as I cycled home down the Banbury Road , through the science ghetto on Parks Road and into a time-warp .
7 He glanced to and fro as he walked back across the road , but no-one was there .
8 I remember too the suppressed terror I felt one Saturday morning when there was a daylight raid over London and a swarm of black flies appeared in the blue sky and seemed to come on and on as we looked out of our house high on Hampstead Heath .
9 And so as I grew up er they knew me and I knew them and I was to need one or two later on , for various reasons , but er you could n't see it at the time .
10 I 'd stamp up and down as I walked along , and up would pop the balls that had been buried in the sand .
11 She turned , straightening up , then held out her ticket for inspection , looking the man up and down as she did so .
12 Lara , sweeping frequently , made a bright 50 , then Richardson — booed loud and long as he came in for his supposed anti Jamaican selections and his team 's poor World Cup performances — made 30 of a stand of 106 with Simmons .
13 He was swearing steadily and obscenely as he did so , realising that the windscreen damage inflicted by the near miss would make it well-nigh impossible for him to engage in a high speed chase now .
14 Certainly economic considerations were supreme and just as it did not make sense to build cinemas just for the rich so it would have been crazy to make films just for the religious , the doctrinaire , and the intellectual .
15 You put your guitar down for a second , and just as you turn away there 's a horrible discordant ker-draanngg ! , accompanied , if you 're unlucky , by the even more expensive noise of your headstock suddenly leaving the band to embark on a solo career .
16 While I 'm digging that garden she used to go out roll in the trench what I 'd dug and soon as I went in for a drink she was in there before me !
17 And soon as he said righto Jack , take the rugs off , I 'd take or the , little lad helps me as well , you know and he takes the rugs off and then I tell them what to do you see .
18 I screamed and pulled with all my might , shaking my hands and my head and throwing myself backwards and over as I did so , banging one knee off the gun where it lay , fallen in the sand .
19 Jenna came back to the present rapidly and painfully as she tripped over a fallen and partially sunken log .
20 He began to apply the cooling foliage to her skin , turning the leaves back and forth as they took on her body heat .
21 He regarded the men beneath him impassively , his eyes flicking back and forth as they looked up at him .
22 They sit him in the rocking-chair in front of the hearth , to rock himself back and forth as he muses out loud about the enslavement of man by natural technology .
23 And even as they fouled up long-held theories on what was sexy , they gave a whole new dimension to perceptions of ‘ womanhood ’ .
24 A wind was getting up , and even as I stood there , the lower stars were obscured by drifting darkness .
25 And even as he gave up , as he let himself lean back against the wall , he was holding on , knowing he had backed down and it was over , but doing it gradually so we would n't see the change come over him .
26 FROM their very beginnings therefore , and increasingly as they went on , the Iran and contra policies departed even from the strange norms of covert operations .
27 Her heart seemed to be beating very slowly and loudly as she looked down it .
28 Right and then as we go along what have we got going along ?
29 He sat on the cutting machine and and then as it come on to the Ah but what do you call the long thing ?
30 Yeah he got trapped in a car park and he could n't get out for ages and ages and then as he got out he crashed into another car .
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