Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] he [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 PETER WINTERBOTTOM , the club captain , is so intent on Harlequins retaining the Pilkington Cup that yesterday he turned down an invitation to play three centenary matches for a world team against the All Blacks in New Zealand later this month .
2 Doubtful if he ever dented a heart ; more than likely he gave quite a number of hearts a new lift after they 'd imagined the ball was over for them .
3 Rocks and loose dirt were pulled away and eventually he dragged out a tattered leather bag .
4 Pouncey was Vercoe 's squeeze , and so he cut loose a bit with the cattle prod . ’
5 There 's aids and he 's chasing the bum and the bum 's running and the aids is going come on you little bastard and he 's going leave me alone and so he runs up a tree and there 's a bird there and he 's got all bones on him , he 's a s witch doctor and the bird goes , and the bird goes , what 's a matter ?
6 Slowly and carefully he picked up a stone and threw it at the window .
7 And now he brought out the words between his dosed teeth , saying , ‘ You think you 've won , do n't you ?
8 It was apparent to Cassie that the discovery that she wore very little beneath her outer clothing had had a powerfully erotic effect upon him , and now he pushed aside the bodice and gazed at her breast , at the same time remarking appreciatively : ‘ You 're an astonishing girl , Cassie .
9 Binkie Beaumont was H. M. Tennent and directly and indirectly he controlled about a dozen theatres .
10 Lissa did as she was told , and obligingly he tapped out a few words on the keyboard .
11 So how did the work out because as far as I know the the riveter got the cash and then he divvied up the money between
12 And then he came over a rise and saw the lake below .
13 And then he woke up the next morning and threw up everywhere .
14 I phoned Debby to get Steven 's phone number to get him to leave out the microphone and the amplifier and then he brought up the microphone and did n't bring up the amplifier .
15 He idly pushed around the salt and pepper to avoid meeting anyone 's eyes , and then he took out a sachet from the sugar bowl and looked at it with curiosity .
16 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
17 He conducts great concerts , and before long he will make the lame walk — and then he does just a good concert and people are disappointed .
18 And then he farts up a slightly deranged Dudley giggle , because he probably really does n't give a shit .
19 and then he appeared up the top there .
20 And then he let out a call of welcome and triumph and he turned round in his cage and , raising his wings , flew up and dashed his talons against the very top of his cage and , wheeling sideways , hit against the side of Minch 's cage as well so that the Cages were filled with the sound of his joy .
21 Parin listened for a moment longer , and then he held up a hand .
22 ‘ See that ? ’ he said , and then he held up The Hook .
23 His eyes narrowed on her , briefly , and then he picked up a file on the table beside him , and leafed through it , dismissing her .
24 Get help , ’ and then he scrambled up the bank and raced like a wild thing , screaming now , ‘ Bernard !
25 Then a long time after that , it was May , and I 'd been the night before , but he was out ( or in bed with someone ? ) and that evening he was in and alone , and we talked some time ( he was telling me about John Minton ) and then he put on an Indian record and we were quiet .
26 He stood without moving for a few minutes and then he put out the light .
27 Medeghino was exiled from Milan to Lake Como for killing a man , and there he took over a castle on the natural fortress of the Sassoi di Musso near the village of Musso at the northern end of the lake , killing the castle 's governor .
28 Mister Tom had told him not to be afraid of the earth , but it was still wet from the previous night 's rain and occasionally he let out an involuntary squeal when his spade contacted a worm .
29 It is not going too far to suggest that it was the fame of Chaplin that first allowed many intellectuals to even broach the subject of film and certainly he brought back the possibility of ‘ slumming it ’ that had rather disappeared since the days of music-hall .
30 But yesterday he singled out the pit closures fiasco as an example of how the Government has messed up .
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