Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Not that the gay Oz had been his idea , or even that he had provided much input , apart from advice on the telephone .
2 In addition , there is no protection against the old device of refusing admission to a solicitor ( or doctor ) and asserting afterwards that the prisoner did not ask for him or even that he had refused to see him .
3 His father says more than once that he has seen men his own age outside the Century 2000 club in Lothian Road , punching and kicking wives or girlfriends .
4 When questioned about the tobacco box , Day admitted that he had regularly , and recently , poached and snared in Duncan Woods , and it was more than probably that he had dropped it then .
5 Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held that he had erred in English domestic law , because he had misunderstood the Hoffmann-La Roche case as extending to local authorities a privilege which belonged to the Crown alone ; and furthermore that he had erred in Community law because , since it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of provisions of Community law , it was necessary to require an undertaking in damages to protect any current right which Wickes might have , by virtue of article 30 , to open their doors for Sunday trading .
6 He did not know until later that he had fouled Giggs . ’
7 The Goldsmiths heard by means of anonymous reports that he was often absent , attending meetings of the Manchester and Birmingham Railway Co. during school hours , and also that he had become Rector of Northenden .
8 He had himself frequently led patrols along the narrow roads and boreens that ran like veins through the countryside about Cork , and before that he had spent more time than he cared to remember in the muddy trenches and dug-outs of France with shells screaming overhead .
9 And before that he had brought her back from the world , home again into the enclave of the Scarabae .
10 Captain Duro was anxious to start the return voyage as soon as possible in order to avoid the equinoctial gales , and now that he had given his permission , Gerald saw no reason to delay his daughter 's departure further .
11 Though Thomas was greatly revered he had never been well off , and now that he had retired from government advisory jobs he earned nothing much except by writing .
12 And now that he 'd escaped from that awful prison , come he would , she knew that as certainly as she knew daylight would follow darkness .
13 Since then , Demidenko has been welcomed back to the Festival regularly and now that he has settled permanently in London , it is all the easier .
14 that 's right , that 's right and now that he 's shaken off the Scottish Office I invited him to come along to it as well so we may find
15 Scarlet thought first that this sentiment could be attributable to Barbs , then that , in view of her own lack of a career , it was insensitive of Brian to mention it and then that he had said it out of spite .
16 At l'Estaque , Braque was working from nature but one feels that the forms in his painting have not been suggested by those of particular landscapes but rather that he has imposed on the natural scene his own austere , angular , almost geometrical form of vision .
17 He could believe some drunken classics student had run amok with a spray-can , but not that he had chanced to write two words of no classical significance beneath the window of the room where Harry happened to be staying .
18 White-hot rage that was all the more potent because it originated from humiliation , and from the sickening knowledge not only that she was infatuated with him , but also that he had recognised the fact .
19 From the foregoing discussion it is obvious that , as things currently stand , any person attempting to recover damages from an insider will , under s.62 as amended , face enormous difficulties in proving not only that a breach of the relevant insider dealing rule has actually occurred , but also that he has suffered a loss as a result of it .
20 Three years earlier Richard had performed homage to King Louis at Montmirail but now that he had worn the ring of St Valerie he could claim that he held his duchy in indissoluble union with the people of Aquitaine and the saints who watched over them .
21 He had begun his account , intending to tell Lyn the whole of it , but now that he had reached the point of disclosing the site of the hole into the mine and of describing it and what happened there , he felt uneasy .
22 Granny 's son had been a gamekeeper on the estate , but now that he had gone elsewhere to work Sir Benson had given Granny notice that she must quit the cottage .
23 Again he paused , wearily , but now that he had started to talk something like relief entered his eyes and his voice .
24 But now that he had had a good sleep , he could see that Strawberry was really a harmless , decent sort of fellow .
25 But before that he had run a real stinker in the Stewards ' Cup .
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