Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] to [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 After all , there were only two ways that Harry could come on to Grace , the gangplank across from Maurice , on which Stripey lay digesting uneasily , or back to the wharf and round by the afterdeck .
2 Then of course you had to take that up to the office and report it to the the branch secretary who would come down and deal with it with the management .
3 There was no home leave from overseas and , as far as I knew , few individuals or units of the Eighth Army had returned to Britain , for most had been sent to Sicily and thence to the toe and heel of Italy , or to Salerno , and by this time were fighting hard up the Italian peninsula on one or other side of the Appennines .
4 Quite apart from the time demanded by the town itself , a visit to the Rhine Falls and another to Stein-am-Rhein , you should reserve a day for a trip by steamer down the Rhine , and on to the Untersee and Konstanz and back .
5 The first task that we have is to present ourselves and that way we can get into the papers and on to the TV and smash those trends that are destroying things , sucking up people 's blood .
6 Not that Andrew Orkney will dwell too much this week on leading them into the Canal Turn and over the final six flights and up the long finish and on to the post and becoming the first optician to win and riding into history .
7 I wondered if they had simply forgotten to turn off the bulb which annoyingly cast its brightness through a porthole and on to the swirl and rush of white water , and I was half tempted to pull the fuse out of the circuit and thus surround Wavebreaker with darkness , but resisted the impulse .
8 I was dragged face downward across the floor and on to the landing and then down the stairs … ’
9 The subject-matter is much more closely related to the actual business of judicial decision-making and so to the ideology and practice of particular systems of civil procedure .
10 In either of these situations the contract should specifically state that the ownership of the copyright belongs to the organization and not to the programmer and , furthermore , there should be a written assignment of copyright , signed by the freelance programmer .
11 The benefit of the restrictive covenant attaches to the business itself and not to the owner and is therefore assignable .
12 The National Coal Board having decided not to do this , control of the protest fell more and more to the police and to the criminal courts .
13 Angry people may become aggressive and violent , possibly causing injury to themselves or to others , and ‘ non-accidental injury to children ’ and also to the spouse and to the elderly are increasingly recognised as serious current social problems .
14 The ICC , says WICE , which held its inaugural meeting on 26 February , will " advise governments on environmental questions as they affect business , and also make its own recommendations , both at the national level and also to the UN and other international bodies .
15 I saluted , had a last look at Charlie Vaughan , turned about and marched out of the room , along the corridor , out of the front door and back to the orchard and the mosquitoinfested slit trench .
16 However , the public is by no means an empty receptacle responding uncritically and unquestioningly to the sayings and doings of those in power .
17 She carried out her duties efficiently and devotedly to the discomfort and irritation of her boss , the General Manager , and his colleagues .
18 On his own right , on the rising ground that led to a wood , and then to the moors and hills that rimmed the horizon , stood Cormac and Gillocher with the men of Atholl and Mar , and the church-banner of Tuathal , holding firm those men of Fife who had chosen to follow the King rather than Bishop Malduin , his acolytes , and his family .
19 He knew that escape would not be made by force but , even so , his mind returned again and again to the grains and snippets of stories that had somehow ( how ? ) permeated into the world of Men .
20 But in the excitement of discovering these wondrous things we shall be poorer if we do n't also give a thought now and again to the pear and the kitchen crock .
21 The monetary approach affords primacy not to goods and services as such , but rather to the demand and supply of money ( real balances ) .
22 What struck me more forcibly than his physical courage was the fact that he made no reference to his own illness but only to the trips and plans to make life better for others .
23 Its a bit naff but close to the ground and good for parking .
24 Sir Austin Pearce , one of the NRM 's guardians , told us via muffled a Tannoy ( uncannily similar to a real station announcement ) that the NRM would not merely look to the past , but also to the present and the future of rail .
25 On coasts of coral atolls the effects of hurricanes are shown to be significant not only to the reef morphology but also to the organisms and the total environment ( Stoddart , 1962 ) and in drainage basins in general and along river channels in particular the impact of rare floods and the time necessary for recovery has been investigated .
26 This was due not merely to its length , but also to the character and personality of Boniface ; yet even here Edward was in luck .
27 IN WCM July 1991 , Steven Lynch commented on the BBC 's maddening policy of interrupting live cricket with hourly visits not only to the national newsroom but also to the weatherman and the local newsdesk .
28 The vertical elements at the crossing form a gateway and are used to add greenery not only to the street but also to the pedestrian and cycle route .
29 But now to the future and the Five Nations Championship where the Irish are quietly confident that , with a virtually unchanged squad , they could well be highly successful .
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