Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] the [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You could use these to make up some smaller pictures for the bridesmaids , or perhaps the mothers of the newly married couple .
2 Or so the girls from the postroom told me later .
3 In the first place , almost the entire judgment was devoted to a consideration of whether or not the letters under the Great Seal were good and valid to impose the duty whereas the right to recover was dealt with in 10 words as a necessary consequence of invalidity .
4 There is a considerable tract of authority , both in England and in other jurisdictions , which must be examined in order to ascertain whether or not the circumstances of the present case fall within Lord Wright 's principle .
5 It was held by the Divisional Court that they should not have done so , and the case was remitted with directions to the magistrates to ascertain whether or not the ingredients of the offence were made out .
6 They describe the actual material benefits and opportunities of a group , whether or not the members of the group recognise these facts .
7 Whether or not the advantages to the business of imposing a change outweigh the disadvantages to the employee is one of the factors which should be taken into account .
8 For example , the hands or even the figures on the dial of a wall-mounted clock may be clearly visible to the child with tunnel vision , but the problem could be that of locating the clock itself .
9 The most commonly affected joints are the stifles , knees , fetlocks or hocks , and more rarely , the shoulders or even the joints between the spinal column anywhere in the back .
10 How odd it must feel to be a stranger in an alien country , where even the faces on the stamps had no meaning .
11 He needed the ‘ real world ’ , regular large doses of it , or else the ghosts of the past took over …
12 For once , both sides want to win over waverers ; and if Labour scraps the block vote , there is a fair chance that eventually the merits of the arguments will determine the policy Labour chooses .
13 I had considered that perhaps the clues to the several lost treasures were concealed in the fabric of the buildings , that clues might be readily available for the discerning eye — although , logic would surely dictate otherwise .
14 He was saved by the fact that only the wings of the glider struck the cable but it led to more than 250 households having their electricity supplies cut off .
15 This is set up in a very similar way to above , but the advantage of using continuous stationery , is that only the sections for the height of the design will need to be joined together , because we can print the width sections as one continuous piece of paper .
16 It was hoped that soon the lines to the Don basin and Nizhnii Novgorod would be electrified , followed quickly by the whole of the Siberian network .
17 It is much more than just the duties of the job .
18 But it was more than just the paparazzi versus the Penns .
19 you get more than just the highlights of the news .
20 But the issue touched many more than just the activists in the women 's movement : a petition demanding that the allowance ‘ be given to every mother for every child ’ was presented to Parliament with 300 000 signatures ( Fleming , 1973 ; Castle , 1976 ) .
21 Nor just the pleasures of the table , although I can promise you that the chef here is superb .
22 But more often than not the women of the fabliau are presented with admiration and respect .
23 The fines by which the clergy had bought their pardons for outlawry had yielded more than double the proceeds of the tenth collected in 1296 , but Edward was still desperate to find even more money so that he could launch a continental campaign , and he put a new demand to Winchelsey .
24 The Roads Minister , Kenneth Carlisle , defended the decision to more than double the costs of the road by citing " the beauty and sensitivity of the countryside " .
25 The maximum tolerable volumes during ramp inflation were not significantly different in patients with complete supraconal lesions compared with normal subjects ( subjects : mean ( SD ) 203 ( 14 ) ml ; spinal patients : 238 ( 16 ) ml ) , although clearly the criteria for the end-point differed in each group .
26 Radiographs of the various individual heads taken for the Museum of Modern Art show that originally the faces of the figures at the right were painted in the same idiom as that of the figure at the left.1 Since the head of the standing figure represents an intermediate stage between that of the figure at the left and the one directly below it , it follows that the squatting figure , the still life and the drapery at the right were the last parts of the picture to be painted .
27 It was an enchantment expressly forbidden by the Ancient Academy of Sorcerers , and Nuadu had thought that even the Lords of the Dark Ireland hesitated over it .
28 Ironically , the first three months of 1992 were the wettest in the this part of the country for many years , so that even the flowers in the desert , just a few miles inland , burst into bloom .
29 She realised that even the keepers of the secrets did not know them all .
30 That money is pure commission , Nick , a mere ten per cent of the value of the cocaine that was stored on their island while it awaited transportation to the good old US of A ; and neither you , nor I , nor even the dickheads in the Drug Enforcement Administration will ever know just how much money was not put in the bank , but stored in paper bags under the bed . ’
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