Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] he [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps he had already found them .
2 Or perhaps he 'd simply lost interest in the diversions of aesthetes .
3 Or perhaps he has intentionally made the ‘ syntax error ’ in order to alert people to the danger of their nuclear inventions .
4 Last year , a couple of their events were not fully covered by sponsorship income and it is doubtful whether Mark McCormack will want to add to the £2million or so he has already poured in .
5 The answer given to the first certified question was in line with those pronouncements , so even though Viscount Dilhorne was of opinion that the evidence fell short of establishing that Mr. Occhi had consented to the taking of the £6 it was a matter of decision that it made no difference whether or not he had so consented .
6 But , fully clothed , he must have been reading in the sitting-room — or maybe he had just come in — when he too had heard the sound of a car crash .
7 Wings bigger and blacker and more formidable than any he had yet seen .
8 However , he had one final argument , more crushing than any he had yet delivered , and for this he needed no words .
9 It was a mark of the esteem in which John Burridge was held at Selhurst Park , both as a goalkeeper and as a showman , that whenever he has subsequently returned here with his later clubs he has invariably been accorded a warm welcome , both from Palace fans and from his former playing colleagues .
10 His voice was alert , not the least bit sleepy , although clearly he had just woken .
11 ‘ Fifteen years ago , ’ she continued , ‘ he was in Egypt in the army of the Caliph and then he came home covered in glory , a rich man .
12 He reflected gloomily on the price of his ambition , because he had gone out on a limb to persuade a mistrustful and increasingly hostile Kenamun to consent to the operation he had mounted , and then he had only achieved it by linking Surere to the serial killings .
13 and then he 's just gone mad , I think they 've gone to his head .
14 And then he 's always got some racket or other going on the side — more than one , I should think .
15 The autobiography — Sins of My Old Age and Earlier he had already dipped into , and he went back to it reluctantly for a more systematic reading .
16 Zacchaeus ' heart missed a beat as all the crowd started telling Jesus who he was , and how he 'd regularly cheated them out of their money .
17 He remembered his own great grief , and how he had finally emerged from it with a renewed sense of purpose ; for though his epic was intended to address the spiritual crisis of the age , it had also been conceived as a requiem for his lost wife and a celebration of her unwavering faith in his ability .
18 He told them about Marylebone , the night at the hotel , the terms Zack had laid down for the rendezvous , and how he had just made the deadline .
19 He delighted his acolytes with tales about his time in the Army and how he had once lost an entire platoon .
20 He was talking about his childhood in Wales and how he had once wanted to be a detective .
21 Again there was silence between them , but as Mr Beecham stared at this young man , he remembered Martin hinting that his aunt kept the young boy on a tight rein ; and he also went further back and recalled Arthur 's confidence and how he had once described his sister-in-law as a frantic leech .
22 At forty-seven years of age , he was young enough that he could be expected to complete the work , and yet he had probably built more buildings than any of his close rivals .
23 And yet he had just said — she shook her head and stood up .
24 Every now and again he gets so worked up he hits me or his sister .
25 Anyway , Benguiat made up to him and gave him a big kiss and then the next day things got bad again because Parkinson was going to in room number two above this floor to sort out his slides and Benguiat had been in there and evidently he had just decided to tuck his shirt in and loosen his trousers and while he was tucking his shirt in Parkinson came in and says aha , caught you with your pants down , and Benguiat storms out of the room .
26 His nickname is Crash but thankfully he has never done that .
27 But suddenly he felt utterly exhausted .
28 But yesterday he 'd specifically stated , ‘ You 'd better dine with me tomorrow , ’ and he would n't go back on his word , would he ?
29 Her husband , up to the time of his death , had been a miner although there had been occasions when he had made scarcely any wage — but still he had never sent his children to the mine .
30 But clearly he 's still got a lot to learn .
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