Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as [pron] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Sister Mary Leahy , who organised the prayer week at Seacroft , explained the purpose of these personal interviews ; ‘ Prayer is a relationship with God , so as a prayer guide , I would want to help people to recognise God in their lives — relating person to person — speaking to God and listening to him — coming to God just as they are and not as they think they ought to be . ’
2 Mr Dobbs said : ‘ As far as I am aware the BBC want to do the sequel , and even as I speak they are discussing potential script writers . ’
3 And then as I say they can write off for a pack and they get examples which cost them .
4 Not in any special order but just as I remember them .
5 Turbin lights and they were for use of coastal command of the RAF first searchlighting for submarines , looking for submarines , the er the Harvards were very much trained as some of them came in from the Navy they were used for training landing of pilots on aircraft carriers , and they had hooks underneath you know the er they were a very good trainer they were still used today , but when we used to go and see films at the pictures they used to use them a lot as Japanese aircraft because they looked alike , and they used to use them as zeros in the American films these Harvard trainers , er and but like as I said they had a experimental department at Helliwells and they used to try out various things to see if they could improve on the structure or the instrumentation things like that
6 I 'll quickly rattle through the next one effectively nothing more has happened at Napier , they went off for their Christmas holidays about the fourth of November and came back about the nineteenth of January er , not quite as bad as that but nearly as I mean they 've even longer holidays than we 've got and we get a fortnight at Christmas and New Year
7 Initially our agents had no idea of who he was , but as I 'm sure you know it 's standard procedure to take photographs , and as soon as we compared them and a descrip-tion with our files , we were in no doubt as to who he was . ’
8 and er I mean and these were three young girls , they only just started to work and yet they 'd got a car and as soon as they finished they they were going on this picnic
9 It meant that she started off at an advantage , for as soon as they imagined they had caused her misery they found that they were only confirming her grim and ribald idea of the way things would always be .
10 Others cash in by selling aircraft as soon as they get them to consortiums of banks and investors — and then lease them back .
11 As soon as they see they got the microphone they go
12 sorted out in your calculator , as soon as you combine them .
13 In the case of a building society mortgage , it may be useful to ask for a " daily interest rate " in case there 's some slight delay in completion ; this will save writing another letter , and will enable you in such a case to disburse and account for the completion monies as soon as you receive them .
14 You know the problem with putters , if they do n't feel right as soon as you pick 'em up and swing them , you might as well forget it .
15 As soon as you go they 'll roust us ’
16 ‘ No , ’ he said , ‘ the wheels move as soon as you touch them .
17 It 's very important to get treatment for lice and nits as soon as you find them .
18 All variegated hollies tend to revert occasionally , sending out all-green shoots , which should be removed as soon as you see them .
19 It is important to remove carnivorous animals such as centipedes as soon as you see them , otherwise they will rapidly eat the remainder of your catch .
20 As soon as you slip them on , they are nice and comfortable .
21 As soon as she saw them she started firing , realized she was shouting something meaningless , and then at last understood what she was seeing .
22 Victorine cried out as soon as she saw them : that wretched child , I knew it would be hopeless letting her help , it 's too much , I 'll never be done in time .
23 They were his words and as soon as he said them , she knew she had won him to freedom .
24 Only a glimpse though , for the large figure darted back as soon as he saw them .
25 When my husband takes his shirts off I have to wash them straight away — like he wears two shirts on Sunday and I wash them as soon as he takes them off .
26 As soon as he noticed them , Howard beckoned the Doctor , Ace and Petion over with a relieved expression , and introduced them to Colonel Mortimer of the USMC .
27 I liked them very much as soon as I met them , that very damp Sunday afternoon .
28 ‘ I reported the killing as soon as I left them , leaving a man there and asking them to touch nothing ; that was about the ninth hour .
29 As soon as I stiffened them my stroke improved . ’
30 As soon as I signed them , I never heard from him anymore .
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