Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [subord] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's the little things that are frustrating , ’ said Jane Olds , ‘ such as not being able to ask if they 're warm , or not understanding if they 're asking for something . ’
2 Patients needing major surgery in some parts of Britain are suffering or even dieing because they 're considered too old for treatment .
3 and maybe it is n't you that do the visit , it 's somebody else who 's , who 's being paid to do it , but you may be responsible for exercising professional judgment about whether that 's the appropriate thing that should be happening and perhaps assessing whether they 're doing it properly .
4 When they reach the base of the cliff they leap out of the waves , scrabbling for a foothold and not stopping until they are well out of reach of the sea .
5 Anyway , he 's taken to disappearing every morning at dawn and not returning until he 's exhausted .
6 Now they are exchanging information right away , and not waiting till it is published two years later in a scientific journal . ’
7 Barbara Coleman was saying something about the former beauty of the garden and its decline , but wondering aloud whether it was fair to say decline because what was happening was that the garden was returning to nature , and further wondering whether it was really and truly nature because some of the plants were not native to the region and did not entirely belong there , and then wondering whether that was not a strange remark to come from one who had made Provence her home for so long that she felt quite a part of the landscape .
8 Keith said : ‘ The less time company chiefs spend waiting for information , interpreting it and then debating whether it 's right or not , the more they can devote to deciding what action needs to be taken .
9 He heard the roar of the motorcycle being started up and then fading until it was silent .
10 ‘ As for value for money , it was n't per se my main concern but reorienting it from an activity-based approach of what the cost of something was to VFM in terms of delivery to the patient — evaluating what we were doing well in the sense you or I as doctor-patient would expect , the outcomes of value to the patient , establishing how much it costs to deliver ( something we could n't do but are better at now ) and then asking if it is reasonable value for money or , more interestingly , why it is cheaper in one place than another , benchmarking it . ’
11 Or should one take a middle road , trying to understand what goes wrong and then deciding whether it is easier to prevent or to cure ?
12 Deep tan , good body , jeans that were tight and bleached over the thighs but not looking like they were sprayed on .
13 The man who came in was wearing range clothes and carrying a saddle which he let go of just inside the door and came on , looking straight at me , but not smiling like he was ready to say something friendly .
14 This must be not only encouraging but also perturbing as we are only able to accept a small number for tuition .
15 Developments in antislavery — both the spread of local associations and the splitting off of the Agency campaign — were portrayed as only occurring when they were functionally necessary and productive of minimal conflict .
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