Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pers pn] is [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the relatively small number of alternative dwellings available to families who have to live in specific rural locations may mean that they have to take and retain whatever dwelling is available , whether or not it is appropriate to their needs .
2 It has never answered the question whether or not it is appropriate in Ryedale .
3 The importance of this part of the debate is that it illuminates one crucially important difference between , on this occasion , Devlin and Hart : that is , the disagreement over whether or not it is possible for there to be areas of behaviour which , whilst they might be considered to be ‘ immoral ’ , could also be considered to be ‘ private ’ .
4 However , if a church member asks whether or not it is right for a Christian to be hypnotised , I have to give a negative answer .
5 In public debate marriage can take on a political significance as its supporters and opponents do battle over whether or not it is good for men , good for women and good for society .
6 By contrast , within EC law , it is the effect or purpose of an agreement that determines whether or not it is subject to the law .
7 Moreover , his review took account of factors which were very different from those relevant to ‘ streamlining the planning machine ’ : the increasing pressure for public consultation and participation in the planning process , and the ‘ dissatisfaction on the part of applicants because they often do not understand why particular decisions have been made , or why it is necessary for what may seem small matters to be the concern of the planning machinery at all ’ .
8 More often than not it is lively on the social side , but spiritually dead .
9 Now more than ever it is important to be a force for change .
10 In theory , the Cabinet is still collectively responsible to the Commons , and so it is possible for a government to be defeated on a motion of no confidence in the Commons so that it would be forced resign , call for another general election , and face judgement at the polls .
11 And so it is possible for people to come and live here ,
12 And so it is possible in these few words to dismiss a controversy which has absorbed many pages .
13 And so it is important for feminists to address the concepts of gender which inform it .
14 This change of atmosphere is important because the scope and effectiveness of statutory ouster clauses is a matter of statutory interpretation , and so it is open to the courts , by interpreting ouster clauses more or less strictly , to regulate access to judicial review .
15 It was opened in 1888 , and inside it is reminiscent of the miniature theatre at Versailles .
16 Language is a social institution of a kind ; and self-evidently it is open to all sorts of change .
17 And now she is married to Brian Bowen , towards whom she drives home through the January night .
18 She has now settled in ; she is doing more for herself , and sometimes she is full of life in the Home .
19 One response to this objection , though , is that sooner or later you have to decide what someone means and how it is relevant to you ; so you might as well take that decision consciously , while you have the book or article in front of you to check .
20 Muddled sixties jargon , lurid colours and ricocheting bullets fly past him , missing him by inches as he enters the flat and yet he is unaware of either the television or his lover in bed .
21 He writes , ‘ The notion of the sacrosanct text is alien to the period and yet it is central to the literary criticism of Shakespeare . ’
22 Explain what this means and why it is important to bankers and how this might differ for managers .
23 This has little effect and the courts will still regard the contract as one contract ( albeit a severable one ) and therefore it is possible for a sufficiently serious breach to be a repudiation of the whole contract , Smyth ( Ross ) v. Bailey ( 1940 H.L. )
24 This is a question of fact for the court to decide and therefore it is essential for the prosecution to show that the conditions seriously reduced the ability of the driver to see other vehicles etc .
25 One of the significant outcomes was the volume of blood transfused , and therefore it is important for the transfusion policy to be stated , especially as the text does not suggest that the staff were blind to the study groups .
26 Hanging display rail for clothes — This is likely to have limited , if any usefulness to the new business and therefore it is likely to be sold , thus under these assumptions Net realizable value is likely to be most appropriate .
27 Few people will be able to complete the route in one go , but luckily it is accessible by public transport at a number of staging points , so it can be split into chunks more manageable in a fortnight 's holiday .
28 This is a nice idea but naturally it is impossible to completely separate mathematical and non-mathematical routines , and there are overheads such as writing to the screen which can affect the results .
29 My niece is only little , but already she is susceptible to it , wearing T-shirts and baseball caps .
30 The assumption itself may patently be wrong , but nevertheless it is difficult for people in superior positions to realize that they are just as fallible as those below .
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