Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Run up two dozen stairs or more without being breathless at the top .
2 But it was impossible to tell now who had been speaking or even to be sure at which of the small crowded tables the speaker sat .
3 Some thought that fundholding general practitioners had been given a perverse incentive not to spend money on their patients or even to be selective in the types of patient they enrolled on their list .
4 Perhaps the artists in this exhibition and book are united by only one thing other than that they have made use of some aspect of photographic technology : most of them are more likely than not to be familiar with the ideas of the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard .
5 When it is used figuratively , it can mean to soar or to lift oneself up , and so to be arrogant in spirit .
6 Among negative rights , we should include the rights : not to be indoctrinated ; not to be subject to unnecessary ideology ; not to experience racialist , sexist or religious bias ; and not to be subject to unprofessional practices by teaching staff in admissions , in teaching and in examining .
7 Increasing the commitment with the treasurer and not to be rash with it but the people understand people who are mostly killed in churches and and either way should not pass to amend a resolution for the Council .
8 ‘ It is a principle of construction of United Kingdom statutes , now too well established to call for citation of authority , that the words of a statute passed after the Treaty has been signed and dealing with the subject matter of the international obligation of the United Kingdom , are to be construed , if they are reasonably capable of bearing such a meaning , as intended to carry out the obligation , and not to be inconsistent with it .
9 The hardest task for his subordinates is to decide what the phrase ( now often shortened to NWO and not to be confused with the airline that used to be called Northwest Orient ) might mean .
10 Expressive behaviour , according to Tormey ( and not to be confused with the way Harré is using the term ) points in two directions simultaneously : towards some state of emotional arousal in the person ( say , anger or wonder or pleasure ) ; and towards what he calls an intentional object , something outside the person to which the state of arousal is prepositionally related .
11 Under Sir Robert Reid , chairman from 1983 to 1990 ( and not to be confused with Sir Bob Reid , his successor ) , BR 's efficiency was transformed .
12 The wartime routine was enlivened by a series of afternoon musical concerts for secondary school pupils at the Davenport Theatre ; by potato-picking at harvest time ; by Christmas work at the General Post Office ; by firewatching duties with the ARP , both at School and at Stockport High School ( the latter venue being very popular , a girls ' school and not to be confused with its short-lived 19th century boys ' predecessor ) ; and by the various fund-raising " War Weeks " : " War Weapons Week " in 1941 raised £5,729 ; " School Warships " in 1942 £5,900 ; " Wings for Victory " in 1943 £10,571 ; " Salute the Soldier " in 1944 £10,785 ; and " Thanksgiving Week " in 1945 raised £14,100 , and also won the boys an extra half-holiday .
13 Ruth , now Mrs McCluskey ( she remarried this April ) , finds that there are many points of similarity between Libby 's and Medau — especially the class structure , with its warm-up , including stretching and strengthening exercises and exercises to increase mobility and flexibility , developing into an aerobic sessions which is really our travelling section , and not to be confused with Aerobics .
14 The aim should be to out-climb every other glider nearby and not to be satisfied with just staying up , unless the conditions are very poor .
15 No hard and fast rules can be laid down , but the sooner you can help teenagers acquire the confidence to act responsibly and not to be afraid of peer pressure , the more freedom you can allow them .
16 With the help of others they have then learned to manage their feelings and not to be afraid of them .
17 Thus , for example , the student with difficulty revising , having drawn up his plan of action , agreed to work on the first item on his list and not to be side-tracked into attempting other items at the same time .
18 Entering into consciousness — an obscure phrase — meant trying to be oneself on the canvas , without the props of a single familiar reference , and thus to be free of rhetoric , history , convention , other people , safety , the past .
19 Pray that God would inspire leaders to be bold and also to be flexible in the area of finances .
20 Canon Elvy encourages the churches to respect European values and also to be careful in distinguishing between the terms ‘ communication ’ , ‘ publicity ’ , ‘ image-building ’ and ‘ information ’ .
21 Staff need to be especially sensitive at such a time and also to be aware of legal formalities .
22 So this notion of the evidence of one 's senses is held by empiricists to be basic in epistemology , and also to be basic in the theory of meaning .
23 Although I had n't had as many fish as the bait fishers I was very pleased with the success and the quality and also with being afloat at sea in such idyllic circumstances .
24 And as is now widely recognised ( see Thomas Kuhn 's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions ) , scientists , like other thinkers , tend to get stuck in particular conceptual frameworks , and hence to be blind to possible alternatives .
25 The main things I learned were not to panic , and how to be diplomatic with people , but not to give in to them .
26 The Government has invested £1.1m to make CD-Rom technology available in schools and apart from being available in many North-East schools our CD-Rom is widely used in schools as far afield as St Albans and London .
27 At one and the same time he seemed to accept every word and yet to be stricken with fear .
28 We have already seen that depressive or manic responses may be shown to be related to the problem of the son 's relation to the mother and his contradictory desire to be devoted to her as the ideal mother of hunter-gatherer prehistory and yet to be free of her as the phallic , dominant mother of primal agriculture .
29 To have Midnight lying almost above her head and yet to be incapable of protecting him , or even taking the water he needed , was a kind of torment .
30 His headmaster , ( Sir ) Cyril Norwood [ q.v. ] , had given him two pieces of advice : to answer all letters by return of post , and never to be afraid of unpopularity .
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