Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [subord] you [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And , if we are looking at regression as a form of therapy — as , indeed we should be — the benefit can surely only come when you re-experience the previous existence for yourself ( or even when you imagine that you do ) .
2 It is a recurring phenomenon and perhaps when you miss that particular notch you have to adopt original even eccentric strategies to bring the times and yourself together in the big bang of true fame and real success .
3 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
4 and now if you try and page it might work .
5 the trouble is though when you have these meetings you go and people say well I do n't agree with this and I do n't agree with that and somebody says well this is n't the matter for the P T A this is a matter for the governors and then when you try and , like Gary I 'll go and approach with the governors , surely this is n't a matter for the governors , this really ought to be , you know , the ,
6 and then if you did that it would tighten on to your walls
7 again and again till you sighed and turned for love .
8 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
9 The lack of apparent activity in the factory was startling at first , but not when you remember that Caterham makes as much money in a year as General Motors does in half an hour .
10 But still if you read that carefully it does n't say he ca that they ca n't do it , the C E C. So I urge you to vote for the motion two five five .
11 These views depend on political values and preferences which we are not going to explore here , but clearly if you believe that society as a whole will gain by children from all income groups being educated together , or children from a local community or religious group being educated together , you will prefer a system of finance that favours such provision .
12 But then when you cut that in the Winter , it would be black and there would n't be any any any er er feed value , any sort of nourishment at all in it .
13 But then when you think that she did actually bite Mason !
14 But with a th a single wardrobe ironically you ca n't get them up the stairs because soon as you reach that step you 've got another step so if you were to lift it up to the next step it 'll hit the top of the d doorjamb so it wo n't go any further .
15 As soon as you saw that you were about to be struck , you stood at attention and waited for the blows .
16 If you go away then as soon as you know that you 're going we 'll send off registration for Bishop Challener and that 's it and we can send off a year 's a year 's umm fees in advance ca n't we ?
17 As soon as you notice that you are breathing rapidly :
18 Get in contact with your lender as soon as you realise that you may have a problem meeting the repayments and continue to pay monthly as much as you can afford .
19 As soon as you realise that , I suspect you 'll be off like a shot .
20 " So what would you normally have done as soon as you arrived if this had been an ordinary Thursday ?
21 So I 'd suggest again that the sensible place to shout armed police is as soon as you enter because the fraction of a second between you getting from the hall to the bedroom is n't going to make any difference .
22 Your vet should be consulted as soon as you suspect that your pet could have a problem of this nature .
23 Right so as soon as you see that you think ,
24 does n't quite understand it as well as you do and you 're trying to explain it to him .
25 Well you as well because you 've but er you 're using Andrew really .
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