Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [subord] we [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 And , to try and give options for members , at different expenditure levels of how we may move forward , because it is n't a cheap process , or not if we follow the Lancashire model it is n't a cheap process , but of course we can scale our proposals down .
2 When we take a Bach Flower or homoeopathic remedy , or even when we smell the fragrance of a beautiful flower , the healing effect is triggered at a subtle level , in the auric body ( explained below ) and filters ‘ inwards ’ as it were , to the physical body .
3 The face has always had a dialectical relationship to art and , today perhaps , this is stronger than ever as we view the face — in portraiture — with a scepticism characteristic of our age and as we witness the convergence of popular culture and fine art in so many spheres .
4 The problem with this reasoning is that even if we accept the narrow definition of freedom on which it relies , a system of private property , and in particular private ownership of productive assets , is not the only property system that is capable of bringing about the required dispersal of control over material goods .
5 I ease a few points ahead , Martin puts in a break of 12 , I confidently reply with one of 13 , and even before we reach the colours Martin is beginning to display the McEnroic aspect of his game that always encourages opponents .
6 What we hope to be able to do is to complete the requirement the staff target this year and set in train some industrial studies to see what the various options are and then once we enter the production investment phase then that would be the time that we would er look to doing the development work .
7 And indeed when we ponder the relationship between DNA and proteins , we see that co-operation has been at least as significant a force in evolution as has competition , and at the most fundamental level .
8 Exactly and er we are buying er a two seat version of this aeroplane er our two seat version is aimed primarily at operational training but er we have examined er time and again whether we believe the er the integration of the avionics which is possible in this aeroplane and which is planned for this aeroplane er is going to be able to reduce the pilot work load to such an extent that one man can comfortably do the job and we have arrived at the conclusion that he most certainly can .
9 You do n't have to , it does n't have to be mined , we do n't have to import it from any Arabs , it 's ours , we own it and it gives us that amount of energy but only if we develop the fast er reactors .
10 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
11 We require some evidence of loss , either from a vet or an accountant , and as soon as we receive the reports we look at them speedily and with sympathy .
12 This is were double bed tuck comes into its own , because the single needle per tuck rule no longer applies as soon as we bring the front bed into work and carrying stitches .
13 It consists in pointing out the fact that , as soon as we use the stages as a type of classification , we find we have more doubtful borderline cases than typical ones , because of the great variation of social systems in history in different parts of the world .
14 As soon as we have the results of the trials we shall publish them .
15 The number one will automatically light up as soon as we activate the circuit and the current increases gradually as the numbers get progressively higher .
16 As soon as we see the scripts , we start planning , look in our nasty books or ask Peter Salt our nursing advisor , ’ says Jan. skin for stitching scenes is made from a gelatine based substance which is coloured and moulded on to the actor .
17 For even if we achieve the objective of a full franchise then the purpose of that full franchise will not work for disabled people if they do n't have full access to polling stations , they only then have the alternative of using postal or proxy votes and not exercising their franchise in the same way that able-bodied people er will do and their full right are part of the measure that I 'm seeking the house to agree that I should pursue .
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