Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] it [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Grunte , who had no idea what the Government 's policy was , or even if it had one , charmingly admitted to his ignorance and invited another question .
2 The centre has already placed 50 or 60 people here or abroad but it has its own problems to overcome : there are few , if any overseas versions of NISW as most of the work tends to be located in the ministries of health or welfare .
3 The Reik is actually the longest single river in the Old World , although only because it bears its name from its source in the Upper Reik to where it joins the sea at Marienburg .
4 Er well the committee will recall that shortly after it published its report in Spring ninety two , the new German Minister of Defence questioned whether the project was still required at that degree of sophistication .
5 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am not sure if this will reach you and I know that even if it does you will not reply .
6 The curious nature of the first-person plural relationship in the Sonnets [ + ego , + tu ] is that it is so infrequent ( twelve times only ) and that even when it occurs it is tenuous , fragile , or , as here , stands for a union in falseness .
7 My main point is , though , not simply that the Webbs ' own general prospectus was wrong , nor even that it misdirected their appraisal of Owen .
8 Three DFC 's and one DSO have been won in Sugar , and just as it began its career with a daylight attack , it finished with another .
9 He wrote : ‘ And also that it sustains me , in ways that I ca n't explain .
10 From what she 'd gleaned from Janine he came and went like a bloody ghost , flitting in and out as it suited him .
11 Academic English was a recent invention , largely of the inter-war years ; and even where it existed it had commonly stopped with the early nineteenth century .
12 There is little right of reply on radio and television and even where it exists it is not particularly likely to be heard by the audience of the original programme .
13 Not until the second half did Saints show any of their best style and even when it came it was never sustained .
14 It did not occur to him to look for a seat outside Worcestershire , and even if it had there was little reason why he should have secured one .
15 Quite often it has n't and even if it has it may be helpful to call the recipient with information on delivery and timing .
16 However , I could see his logic , which was that not only did it burn about three times as much wood as an enclosed stove but the draught from the chimney sucked up a considerable amount of the underfloor heating , and even though it cost us nothing , it was poor economics .
17 and that then I thought , and then when it finished I did n't realize it was two parts , you see , and I thought well that 's a funny way
18 A few minutes later it emerged and flew off and then when it returned it looked at the wall and saw the marks and went inside .
19 And then when it finishes you 've got all the guys coming out shouting and screaming and running about through the flats , the music never bothered me , it was just the you know the guys coming out after that bothered you .
20 I just change the format a little bit here and there so it makes me write differently .
21 They had hardly ever been in this house belonging to Nicholas , and never since it received its new mistress .
22 Graham frowned as he passed it , partly at its loud white-lettered tyres and obtrusive styling , but partly because it reminded him of something ; something to do with Slater , with Sara even .
23 The Guinness takeover of Distillers is studied , not just as an example of a keenly contested takeover , but also as it demonstrated what many saw as the unacceptable sides of takeover activity and the City of London .
24 To make matters even more complicated , there are two quite distinct kinds of mood-change , for the cat 's pupils will become greatly enlarged not only when it sees something pleasant but also when it sees something terribly threatening .
25 We now give a variant of the method of 2.9.3 ; we do so partly because the variant can save computer time , especially if may iterations are required , but also because it enables us simply to bring out certain features of the method , which lead to possible modifications .
26 This potent theme needs exploring not only for its past influences but also because it affects what sort of theories are thought worth considering in current debates .
27 Afterwards Fogarty admitted : ‘ I thought a North-West win would never come for me , but now that it has I 'm a happy man . ’
28 There is controversy over whether this sort of fusion occurs under pressure inside the Earth , or inside the heavier Jupiter , but even if it does it is at levels that are useless for commercial fusion .
29 It is too early yet to say how useful the discourse approach will be , but even if it achieves nothing else , it can at least be claimed to have shown the inadequacy of attempting to analyse the function of intonation on the basis of isolated sentences or tone-units , removed from their linguistic and situational context .
30 With a little more attention to the parser it could have been a Sizzler , but even as it stands it 's well worth your dosh so get out there and part with it at once !
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