Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] you [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 and we 'd go off to Felixstowe or somewhere but you see we still went away because he had four first class passes a year
2 Yeah in the the number on the bottom is bigger but that just means you 've got to share it out between more people so do you get more or less if you share it between more people ?
3 But wake me at eleven , or sooner if you need me .
4 Put it back to N before returning the carriage to the rail , or immediately after you return it , to the rail .
5 If you are just starting with video , or even if you think you 're very familiar with it , try running through some of these familiarisation routines :
6 that i when the child comes to you to si , you sign to show they 're with you now , perhaps Cath could amend that so that you have it you 've actually got the week but five slots for homework
7 But if you say that especially when you say it quickly it 's starting to sound a bit like cos Z squared .
8 Although now that you mention it , I can see where it would prove useful .
9 Then they wrapped rubber-bands round the stuff and hey presto ! we 've got a ball , that even if you top it , runs 120 yards up the fairway .
10 You are far more likely to use a method regularly and properly if you feel it is the right one for you .
11 and so if you leave it till after that and
12 Perhaps this link has n't occurred to you , and perhaps when you consider it , it 'll make sense to you .
13 And not that you think you we do n't
14 And just when you think it is coming right they cry ‘ No John , not like that ! ’
15 And just when you think you have caught up with them they 've moved on to something else . ’
16 ‘ We have both learnt our dialectic in the academic arena where knocks that would frighten the London literary coteries are given and taken in good part ; and even where you think me sometimes too pert you will not suspect me of malice .
17 And even when you think you know the island intimately , it will keep on springing surprises .
18 And even if you dig it up turn it over and start again that moss is in it is n't it ?
19 And even if you think you are in a rock-solid job , it could still happen to you .
20 You do it once , twice , as a special gesture , to please them , and then before you know it , they expect it , week in , week out and grump if it does n't happen .
21 round the ten every happens to everyone they work you know ten twelve is the obvious one to go for the go eight nine ten twelve fourteen and then once you do it you do n't realize you 've done it and you do n't stop .
22 And then when you take them out tomorrow
23 And then when you turn it off you can replay it and you can hear yourself talk or sing .
24 And then when you put her in foal , served her with a stallion .
25 Bobby Charlton said of him something like , ’ People ask you how good was he ? and then when you tell them they do n't believe you , but yes , he was that good . ’
26 erm that then do n't come on either , but when it clicks like that they flash together and they both light up , and then when you start it up they go up and then they come back on again
27 You know , and then if you ask him again he says , I 've told you once !
28 And then if you pull it together it 'll pull together .
29 mm , I shall er get the other lot in and do that , do that first thing in the morning , get every thing cleared up , and then if you give me your pull overs , I can hand wash those and put them in the spin drier so you 'd better sort them out do you think you 'd of put some tassels in that pelmet ? , you know where the I 've got some spare one 's no , do n't you remember I went into and he gave me a piece of the trimming and I can take the tassels off
30 And if I can see , if you say you 've had the blood test done in around , I du n no , two weeks , at your convenience and then if you see me in about five , which will be at the end of those , which
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