Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 IT WAS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND ANTHONY HAD COME HOME FOR good , or rather until he found a job .
2 However , as was pointed out by the Court of Appeal in Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd ( 1988 ) ( reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-322 ) the conventional percentage does not necessarily apply where the wife had been earning a considerable sum herself prior to her husband 's death or presumably where she had a substantial private income : see also Davies v Hawes ( 1990 ) reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-323 .
3 Why should it be zero or below before they receive the small amount of assistance of £6 a week ?
4 I like to think I 've been helpful to somebody else , so that they do n't make the same mistake as I made , or so that they know the responsibilities they 're taking on if they do have the baby .
5 King cobras curl around their pile of eggs , encircling it with their coils , and crocodiles stay alongside their nest of decaying vegetation for the two months or so that it takes the eggs within to hatch .
6 Carey checked it , then dragged back on the rod and took up the slack , working that way for five minutes or so before he beached the fish .
7 Every hundred metres or so when we met the road zigzagging its six kilometres to the top we turned to the landscape : huge conical mountains with valleys that knit together as neatly as in a child 's drawing .
8 Still in his pyjamas and with his foot in plaster , he would hobble 500 metres or so across some fields until he reached a track , then carry on for another 500 metres or so until he reached a proper road .
9 That Neil was not sleeping there after all , or merely that he shut the flaps at night against the midges or the weather ?
10 They hope to marry next June , or sooner if they find a house .
11 She was n't sure if it was a good omen or not that he made no comment .
12 And , to try and give options for members , at different expenditure levels of how we may move forward , because it is n't a cheap process , or not if we follow the Lancashire model it is n't a cheap process , but of course we can scale our proposals down .
13 One of the cons of the mainstream is the industrial process and that 's what you choose to join or not when you have the necessary skills .
14 Many of these farm workers originally migrated from Zambia or Mozambique , but some have been in Zimbabwe for a generation or more though they have no regularized status .
15 Zen had watched this cycle a dozen times or more when he felt a touch on his shoulder and turned to find Gilberto grinning up at him .
16 Synodontis Multipunctatus is a peaceful species , which can be kept either on its own or as a group of three or more if you have a very large tank .
17 Specially where specially where they had the baby
18 He accompanied this with a rude gesture — some say it was a noise , others that he stuck out his tongue , or even that he made a sign with his forearm .
19 For the visual computations algorithmically defined by Ullman do not depend on high-level processes capable of identifying ( recognizing ) objects as members of a specific class : the system does not need to know that an object is a fish , or even that it has the 3-D shape that it has , in order to know that it is an object .
20 If a man believes in a different god , or even if he uses a different ritual for worshipping the same god , blind faith can decree that he should die — on the cross , at the stake , skewered on a Crusader 's sword , shot in a Beirut street , or blown up in a bar in Belfast .
21 When we take a Bach Flower or homoeopathic remedy , or even when we smell the fragrance of a beautiful flower , the healing effect is triggered at a subtle level , in the auric body ( explained below ) and filters ‘ inwards ’ as it were , to the physical body .
22 Some women have suggested reclaiming cunt , pointing out that the word has connections with cunning ( knowledge , magical power ) , or simply that it denotes a powerful and female area of the body .
23 soc : … or simply because they remembered the patient .
24 There was no trace of his usual cheekiness , either because he was seriously worried about his son or simply because he had no need to defend himself up here where he was in his element and they were out of theirs .
25 The important point to note about the prohibition in Rule 14e-3 is that it applies irrespective of whether the defendant owed or breached a fiduciary or other duty to the issuer of the securities traded in or indeed whether he breached a duty to any other person .
26 But I think it was built maybe in er in the er nineteen eighty or early eight maybe nineteen ninety five or thereabout but it took a while while they got it erected .
27 I thought once or twice that I saw a glint of sardonic amusement in Conchis 's eyes , but I could n't be sure .
28 But he knows actually what we 're trying to do on a Sunday , and they either like to play us , er er once or twice and they got a reasonable ground .
29 It 's more like a luxurious rest-home for geriatrics , except rather than them paying the club , the club is essentially paying them .
30 The principle is fixed that a scholar aspiring to high office must first teach at a graded series of medreses , one after the other , and that only when he reaches a certain grade does he become eligible for the great offices of the learned hierarchy , the mevleviyets , which are in their turn graded .
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