Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 The courts approach this problem broadly , following the guidance given by Lord Goddard in Gourley 's case [ 1956 ] AC 185 at p209 in his model direction to the jury : " No one can foresee whether tax will go up or down and I advise you not to speculate but to deal with matters as at present . "
2 I did n't know whether you were coming or not cos you said you did n't know .
3 Your jewels Eachuinn Odhar gave to me , to return to you or not as I judged you innocent or guilty .
4 If you are just starting with video , or even if you think you 're very familiar with it , try running through some of these familiarisation routines :
5 Come back in a week for a check-up and to have the majority of the sutures out , or earlier if they give you any trouble or get infected .
6 Rather than so As I say you associate the car and the number together .
7 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am not sure if this will reach you and I know that even if it does you will not reply .
8 ‘ Let's walk up and down while I tell you . ’
9 He goes up through the hoops along the narrow , she said the first day when all the others were standing there shaking at the narrow bath he was just over it and down and she said you 've never seen him
10 And not that you think you we do n't
11 And just when you think you have caught up with them they 've moved on to something else . ’
12 And even when you think you know the island intimately , it will keep on springing surprises .
13 And even when I learned you were a prying journalist — and when I 've always preferred my walks to be solitary — what do I find but that I 'm asking if you would like to walk with me ! ’
14 and even if anybody saw you going down they would n't take a big deal of notice .
15 And even if you did you could n't get .
16 And even if you think you are in a rock-solid job , it could still happen to you .
17 And then when we see you then we 're going to sort sort of summarize what three months on effected levels of lithium has done for you .
18 And then when I gave you the minimum premium er it was like right okay well that 's , that 's the easy way out is n't it , twenty quid a month , okay I might do something for twenty quid because I was n't committed and that 's what exploration of needs is all about and it 's , it 's so easy for me to sit and say yeah that 's what you need to do but putting myself in your shoes , you know , a few years ago
19 And then when it finishes you 've got all the guys coming out shouting and screaming and running about through the flats , the music never bothered me , it was just the you know the guys coming out after that bothered you .
20 And then when someone tells you the answer you kick yourself . ’
21 And then as they hatched you see , you used to take them in into the incubator then .
22 And then if he asks you what you 're doing just say it 's for like , you know , a project we 're supposed to be doing .
23 I ca n't remember that but I know she , she 'd been to the families either side , Mrs she 'd got one son and two daughters and there and what have you , and then at the end house furthest from the lock was a family named they got two lads and oh she only used to charge half a crown .
24 And there if you went you could see them :
25 And yet if I refer you to no other example than that little one-legged girl whom we saw not so long ago in our Provence , does n't your universal statement collapse ? ’
26 But mostly because I wanted you to have time to make comparisons .
27 But just when you think you know what they mean , they stop meaning anything at all — workflow systems and groupware have arrived
28 and I said yeah , but then if you swop you might be able to swop with somebody else
29 Because even as you die you know that you will come back in a different hat .
30 So you were — but as soon as they put you in my arms I could see you were no use to me ! ’
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