Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Carl 's Choice galloped to his seventh win of the season in the Open at Saturday 's East Essex meeting an hour or so after Rubie 's Choice had chalked up his fifth in the Confined .
2 There are fragments of kouroi from Delos as early or nearly as Nikandre 's girl , but before we go on to these a few more general remarks are in place .
3 We 'd booked him just as his catchphrases were being quoted by the entire nation , and all because Julie 's mortgage broker knew someone who knew his phone number and he had agreed to appear .
4 Having made up his mind to talk , he spoke rapidly and fluently and Pascoe 's pen flew over the paper as he took shorthand notes .
5 And just as Einstein 's work involved a drastic revision of accepted ideas about space and time , mass and energy , velocity and movement , Barth 's necessitated a comparable rethinking of established views both of God and of creation in general and man in particular .
6 It may not , however , do so as automatically and unhealthily as Jameson 's idea of postmodernism as a ‘ pathological symptom ’ suggests .
7 About 700m ecus are still waiting to be collected , partly because spending tends to bunch at the end of a period and partly because Britain 's system of local-authority finance means that some councils can not use the money .
8 But the rise of the PLO made the whole issue more dangerous and complex , partly because it became unclear whether the majority of people in the West Bank wanted either Jordan or the PLO back , and partly because Jordan 's East Bank population was 40 per cent Palestinian .
9 And now that Donald 's name was on the militia list , the thought of being parted obsessed them and they made love as though each time was the last time .
10 Britain , however , had fought to impede European agreements requiring catalytic converters on cars and even as London 's traffic slowed to pre-First World War speeds , planned to build vast new roads and to cut rail services .
11 Deprived of royal favour , and hounded from Radnorshire politics by his great rivals the Harleys , he sought out a new patron , Thomas Grey , second Earl of Stamford [ q.v. ] , a new parliamentary seat ( first for Breconshire and then as Stamford 's nominee for Bere Alston ) , and a new reputation as an energetic House of Commons man .
12 ‘ Ards have been out of the picture since then but I 've enjoyed a good Irish Cup record at my other clubs , getting to the final three times as a player and twice as Larne 's manager .
13 But now that America 's recession has arrived , testing his view , the consensus has moved towards him .
14 But even if Sheridan 's case was rightly decided and a ‘ conviction ’ in the narrower sense will support a plea of autrefois convict , that does not appear to me to lead to the conclusion that a ‘ conviction ’ in the narrower sense must end the power of the court to allow a plea to be changed .
15 But even if Saunderson 's apartment mixing-room is just a mini version of the real thing , it 's comforting to note that the man behind Inner City — an increasingly sought-after producer called to work with everyone from Samantha Fox to the Wee Papa Girl Rappers — still composes songs if not in his bedroom , then in the next to it .
16 US negotiators had been seeking such an agreement since shortly after Endara 's government was installed following the overthrow of the Noriega regime by US military intervention in December 1989 .
17 Road signs were supposed to have been erected at the mouth of the carriageway as soon as Benin 's car had passed through , warning motorists of an impending dynamite blast and rerouting them on to another section of the motorway .
18 As soon as Colloredo 's back was turned , Leopold , in the summer of 1773 , took Wolfgang to Vienna hoping for a court appointment .
19 As soon as David 's cold 's better then we 're going .
20 Mummy would be crying if she was alone and as soon as Daddy 's key turned in the lock , it would be her fault .
21 As soon as Maura 's schoolbag had hit Margaret in the head , they had made their escape , frightened in case Maura decided on a repeat performance on one of them !
22 Mary Leapor was therefore an enthusiasm of this group as well as Richardson 's circle .
23 Even in our own lifetime , within just a few years , the destruction of the Earth 's natural forests , as well as man 's industry , is increasing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide , so subtle is the balance .
24 The newspaper will be distributed every two months and , as well as RWG 's business news , will cover sport , social and general news .
25 The administration of US President George Bush used the phrase " territory for peace " to encapsulate the two UN Resolutions , and had declared that " legitimate Palestinian political rights " must be recognized , as well as Israel 's security guaranteed [ see p. 38117 ] .
26 One of Dublin 's funniest comedians Carl McDermott will be appearing as well as Scotland 's answer to Paul Daniels — Kevin Kopfstein , a magician/ comic .
27 Thus began a lasting , affectionate and occasionally remunerative ménage à trois , as well as Kate 's career as cinematographic mother superior .
28 The partnership was broken when Peter Langan died tragically — and today the surviving pair are joint owners of Odin 's , Langan 's Bistro and Brasserie , as well as Langan 's Bistro in Brighton .
29 The greater than expected cost of unifying the two Germanies [ see below ] , as well as Germany 's contribution to the Gulf war and aid to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe had obliged Waigel substantially to amend his earlier drafts .
30 ‘ The police , the courts and policy makers , as well as Women 's Aid , are all working to bring effective help to those who need protection , ’ she pointed out .
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