Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For the pulsing of the walls was slow and vegetal and the pillars soared and rose in a tracery of veins and she was in a hollow in some living thing with no way out above or below nor escape to the sides .
2 Sophia sighed but did not answer , for on such an occasion as this there was n't really time to go into whether Penelope particularly liked Rupert Stonebird or not or to embark on the sort of explanation that a man could n't be expected to understand .
3 Although their protection was n't evident Millie was conscious of it , and there were times when she felt as hemmed in as she had done during that tortured year or more when guarded by the sisters .
4 The side walls of the fire brick can be moved in or out as needed by the type of work proposed , with 10–12in sufficient for most tool work .
5 He assumed , however , that rather than evolving over the ages to suit their environment , they had been ‘ ready-made ’ by God to the perfect design needed for where He placed them .
6 The oil spilt from the Braer was unusually light and toxic , and this , combined with fierce storms which mixed it into the seawater and caused it combine to form clumps with fine particles churned up by the waves , meant that rather than floating to the surface , as is normal with spilt crude oil , it was carried by ocean currents far from the spill site and later redeposited in deep " sumps " on the seabed .
7 I have arranged a two-day debate in the House so that I may express that clearly and listen to the views of the House .
8 Interestingly , authors appeared in this group with a frequency more than twice that found in the population at large .
9 From here , a futher interpretation of the Miller 's Tale may be proposed which is similar in form to that of Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin recalled just above , although far less severe , morally , than either that proposed for the French fabliau or that of the allegorizers .
10 When a white bar is moved to and fro as shown to the left , the neuron responds only when it is nearly vertical , and only for one direction of movement ( from Hubel 1988 : see Further Reading ) .
11 Was it the sort of chemist that erm was it the sort of chemist that you 'd go in if you 'd got something the matter with you and rather than go to the doctor , they would sort of dole out something for you ?
12 I wanted the sugar and rather than wait for the waiter to return or ask this boy to get it , I asked Harvey for the sugar .
13 The rambler roses in the garden beyond grew along chains which dipped up and down and swung in the wind between six foot high posts , and a row of strangely shaped lumps of yew , grown hugely out of proportion , ran from the north corner of the house .
14 Building Energy Management ( BEM ) systems can now operate the CHP generation plant automatically , ramping its output up and down as reflected by the power load called for by the BEM 's control of the building .
15 Flustered , Rory turned her back on him and all but ran for the kitchen .
16 Shae turned and all but ran from the coffee-bar , ignoring Gavin when he called after her .
17 This approach to treatment , strong in the nineteenth century and all but eclipsed in the twentieth , is still waiting in the wings .
18 When Hook , communing with his ego , murmured , ‘ How still the night is ; nothing sounds alive … split my infinitives , but ‘ t is my hour of triumph ’ , the mast creaked ominously and all but fell against the backcloth .
19 For their sins , they were both nailed and all but crucified on the reef .
20 BASICALLY , THESE are the blues after they got molested , divested and all but drowned in the swamps ; to this end the Babes are the inheritors of The Birthday Party 's unholy rule book .
21 In both processes , and especially that relating to the budget , immense power lies with the Senators and the Representatives on the relevant committees and subcommittees .
22 Would all members of the Process Technology Group of the Industrial Division please note that its AGM will be held in Burlington House , London , on Thursday 14 May 1992 at 16.00 and not as stated in the Process Technology Group Bulletin .
23 The operations management data are largely those given by companies in their annual report and accounts , with the difference that they were collected directly from company executives and not as published for the benefit of shareholders .
24 There , from January 1801 onwards , correspondence covering the years since 1780 was systematically assembled from the State Paper Office and elsewhere and taken to the foreign office — an obvious response to the need frequently to refer to it in the conduct of daily business and the resulting inconvenience if it were stored anywhere else .
25 And thus it was that she came to be , on that February evening , poised at the very crown of the hill in Kensington Gardens , looking down the hill , with her back to Bayswater and home and trembling with the fear that she had at last grown up .
26 Shares in News Corp and its UK arm News International have enjoyed a dramatic recovery and more than doubled in the last year .
27 After visits during these extra two hours were excluded , claims increased by 38.7% from 1989 to 1992 and more than doubled in the past 10 years .
28 Along the top of the instrument panel are amber oil and fuel low-pressure lights and the left-to-right mechanical flap indicator ( there are five quaintly-named setting , full flap on the left , landing , take-off , climb and up or cruise at the right ) .
29 The evening also gave Keith Jones , Manager , Personal Banking at Sheffield Church Street Branch , the opportunity to exhibit his Russian skills whilst conversing with the non-English speaking party member and also when rounding off the evening with a traditional toast in Russian .
30 During the day a Cant Z.501 flyingboat of the 184 a Squadriglia R.M. was also lost , apparently to Malta fighters , and probably while searching for the downed German aircrew ; the crew of this aircraft were rescued near the Sicilian coast .
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