Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 One more piece of information you should possess before the tale unfolds is that Michael was encased in two leg callipers as a result of polio — contracted when one year old — and walked , or rather surges about with the aid of two crutches .
2 Their parents spent three years contemplating whether or not to go through with the separation , which was at first thought impossible because of the degree to which the girls were joined .
3 I can wear it up or down , teased and back-combed out or just brushed back with a headband .
4 He had been on board the Santa Maria some two hours or more working out with the Argentine naval lieutenant and the tug 's engineers just what was required to get the tow safely down the short cut into the Beagle Channel and thence to Ushuaia .
5 This is a marvellous opportunity for making a mirror that exactly blends in with the design and colour scheme of a particular room .
6 The H.C . 's , while also sharing a goal orientated human experience , must also be in a position to tell a story from the life of their friend that also ties in with the goal .
7 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
8 Bernie obviously worked on the idea and eventually came up with a much cheaper and more simple solution which would provide the investigator with a moving picture of the basic flight instruments during the period leading up to the crash .
9 Along with the bruises , I was left with the problem of what to do in the Grand Final , and eventually came up with the idea of a prop stool which would collapse at the touch of a button and jump up again on its own .
10 The two of you — and your lawyers — will look at your financial position , at your wife 's , at how long you 've been married , whether or not she 's working ( and if she is n't , what sort of work she 'll be able to find ) and eventually come up with a sum which is supposed to be fair to both of you .
11 The lagoon between the bar and the land is colonised by various types of marsh vegetation and slowly fills up with a mixture of sediment and decaying organic matter ( Fig. 8.18C ) .
12 It is my belief that anorexic speech ( or , more literally , behaviour ) consists of two quite separate and often contradictory texts , and that it is only by studying them both , in order to fit them together and so come up with an amended text , that we can understand what is going on inside the anorexic herself .
13 The most common problem for men is to develop too much lower pectoral muscle , and so end up with a ‘ droopy ’ looking chest .
14 She 'd be able to think more clearly if she was away from Eastlake , and perhaps come up with the answer as to who was behind these menacing notes .
15 The world will applaud , and rightly press on with the lifting of sanctions .
16 and what you 've got to be very careful , cos you ca n't offer them and not come up with the goods
17 Should it be as many as seven times and Jesus had replied both no , no you should be able to forgive forgive them seven times , it should be seventy times in other words stop thinking about counting and just get on with the forgiving .
18 I 'd decided to relax and just go along with the ‘ package ’ that he offered .
19 By that time I 'd really stopped noticing whether people are male or female and just got on with the physics .
20 And and I 'm all in favour as I say getting more through the letter box , it 's easier for us and it But I I think I mean I 'm quite happy to leave this now and just carry on with the bridal But we have to make this pay itself
21 It might be too early to say , but researchers from Lima 's Universidad del Pacifico say that the informals are amazingly responsible , and punctually keep up with the interest payments on their loans .
22 I learned so much and soon caught up with the fleet ’ .
23 He said that dozy cow only decided she was going to try and fucking pull out with a great big juggernaut coming down .
24 The company spent some two years casting around for a successor to its best-selling computer and finally came up with a machine called Lisa named after the daughter of the company 's founder Steve Jobs .
25 She rustled around and finally came out with a crumpled bill which she put in my hand .
26 I try to think of something smart to say to hide the fact that I 'm beaten , and finally come out with a pathetic ‘ I could n't stay in this stink without puking on the carpet .
27 There were quite a few battles before Pearce got British Aerospace on the road to privatisation , particularly with civil servants and ‘ officials who were not really responsible , but tended to sit on the sidelines criticising and always coming up with a reason why you could n't do anything . ’
28 He rang back again at once and mistakenly carried on with the Airds ' answering service , not realizing that the woman there had picked up by the time I got to the phone .
29 YOU COULD say without fear of litigation or a severe kicking behind the pub that Stereolab 's greatest strengths is their ability to rip off six other bands within five minutes and still end up with an identifiable sound which is rarely overshadowed by any of its mentors .
30 There were some heart-stopping moments in the Town goalmouth , but they survived and nearly ran off with a win .
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