Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] never [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Shaun was more difficult as a personality , although I never had any fights with him myself .
2 Oh I have no doubt of course I never I despise the woman so heartily that I never ask any questions about it .
3 The fact that we never sold any records and loads of rotten indie music is our fault has nothing to do with it !
4 at the start , but as things went on , and just the fact that we never had any talks between the union and the management .
5 A constant problem with promoting all four gardens is that we never have enough leaflets to supply all the outlets that request them .
6 I always tried to understand the man and I never had any problems with him .
7 We never went to the pictures and I never had any pictures on the wall .
8 I mean , I 've detoxed six times now and I never have any problems coming off smack .
9 I like being the rabble cos you never have any responsibilities .
10 Yes , I think we may be using the , because the opposing team always bring a lot of people and we never have any supporters , somehow , so erm , er we 're very pleased if people who sort of spread that about a bit .
11 ‘ Yes , yes and yes , ’ said Sarah , ‘ but I never saw any signs of hatred .
12 Like mothers the world over Mrs Burrows must have watched and pondered , and wondered just what God 's plan for her offspring would be , but she never expressed any doubts .
13 We sat in Tanis and heard the news from the coast , but we never had any orders .
14 ‘ Yes , I know some people might think we are because we occasionally partner each other , but you should have known better — or perhaps not , since you never had any scruples about being a party to another man 's infidelity six years ago , which leads me to believe that this show of conscience on Cavell 's behalf is just that — show !
15 On the other hand , he must have been a disappointment to his dynastically inclined father and mother since he never showed any aspirations for political office despite their encouragement .
16 I do n't think he lay down for quite some time though as he never had any shavings in his mane or tail for weeks but at least he could move about and that relieved quite a few of his problems .
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